Volume 2011, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 0253-8253
  • EISSN: 2227-0426


Falling is the primary cause of accidental death in those aged 65 years and above. To determine the prevalence and risk factors for falls among the elderly in Qatar a cross-sectional study was made to 355 elderly persons attending 12 of the Primary Health Centers in Qatar. A questionnaire elicited socio-demographic data, and histories of falls in the previous 1 2 months, chronic disease, medication, and functional disabilities affecting daily life. One hundred and nineteen (34%) had fallen in the previous 12 months, half of it happened more than once, mostly inside the house, although most (87.6%) were still independent with little effect upon daily activities; women fell more than men; Qataris more than non-Qataris; there were significantly more falls in married and illiterate persons. Living alone was not a significant factor but those using walking aids and/ or not exercising were at significant risk. Some chronic diseases were significant, others not, and some medications showed a significant relationship. Environmental risk factors did not appear to be significant. This study makes some recommendations to reduce the frequency of falls in elderly persons. An extensive bibliography is appended. Key words: Elderly, Falls, PHC


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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