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- Qatar Medical Journal
- الأعداد السابقة
- الأعداد السابقة
Qatar Medical Journal - الأعداد السابقة
المجلد 2016, العدد 2
A 40-year-old man with testicular torsion and large bilateral spermatoceles
المؤلفون: Mojtaba Ameli, Arezou Parsapour and Leila Gholami-MahtajTesticular torsion is a rare disease that mostly involves children. Peak incidence is in infancy and in adolescence. Testicular torsion is rarely seen in men over 40 years of age and has only once been accompanied with spermatocele. We report the case of a 40-year-old man with testicular pain one day prior to visiting our clinic. The patient's visit to the clinic was delayed due to history of occasional testicular pain related to his bilateral spermatoceles. On arrival, a color Doppler ultrasound test was performed, which revealed heterogeneous echo in the right testis with no vascular flow, suggestive of torsion, as well as two cystic lesions in the right and left scrotums indicating spermatoceles. The patient was immediately transferred to the operating room where the bilateral spermatoceles were resected and after detorting, the right testis was saved. After four months, a normal left testis along with partial right testicular atrophy was observed. It is highly recommended to educate patients with spermatocele who have no indication for surgical treatment to visit their physician in case any new testicular pain is experienced. Furthermore, testicular pain regardless of the co-existing pathology may always be treated as an indicator of suspected torsion.
Knotted nasogastric tube in the posterior nasopharynx: A case report
المؤلفون: Kagabo D. Hirwa and Naresh ToshniwalNasogastric tubes are widely used for enteral feeding and administration of medication but unexpected complications can arise during their insertion or removal. There are no standardized ways of dealing with such complications and the safer methods of insertion available are mostly expensive. We present here a case of knotted nasogastric tube and the different approaches that were used to remove it. A brief review of the literature on nasogastric position confirmation techniques is also presented.
Down the wrong road – a case report of inadvertent nasogastric tube insertion leading to lung laceration and important pearls to avoid complications
المؤلفون: Syed Adnan Mohiuddin, Saad Al Kaabi, Tarik Butt, Rafie Yakoob and Maneesh KhannaNasogastric tube (NGT) insertion is a common procedure performed by residents and nursing staff to access the stomach. Although an apparently simple procedure, it is associated with technical difficulties and complications if proper care is not taken during insertion. We present a case of a 79-year-old female with multiple comorbidities who had a percutaneous enteral gastrostomy tube removed due to infection of an insertion site wound and a NGT was inserted for feeding. A few minutes post-insertion the patient developed shortness of breath and a drop in oxygen saturation. An immediate chest X-ray showed the NG tube traversing along the course of the trachea and the right main bronchus into the right upper abdomen with right-sided pneumothorax. The NG tube was immediately removed and a right chest drain inserted. Subsequent imaging showed right-sided pneumothorax with evidence of lung laceration and underlying lung collapse and diaphragmatic injury. The patient underwent a prolonged course of hospitalisation due to hospital-acquired pneumonia before being discharged upon clinical improvement. We highlight the fact that a simple and routine procedure such as NGT insertion can have devastating complications if due care is not taken. Along with a literature review, we provide and compare different methods to confirm correct placement of a NGT. The article also discusses important pearls for practising physicians and nursing staff to avoid such complications. Owing to the frequency of the procedure in hospitals and long-term care units, appropriate awareness among medical staff is necessary.
Rare isolated primary peritoneal hydatid cysts: A case report from Syria
المؤلفون: Bashar Almasri and Lina AlbitarHydatid disease caused by Echinococcus granulosus is endemic in many regions of the world. The major primary site for the disease in adults is the liver and the secondary site are the lungs. Secondary peritoneal cysts are relatively common and expected to occur after rupture of the primary hepatic hydatid cyst. Primary peritoneal hydatid cyst disease without any other organ involvement has been previously reported, and yet it is still considered rare even in endemic areas. A case of a large primary peritoneal hydatid multicystic lesion without other organ involvement in a 25-year-old girl seen at the gastrointestinal outpatient clinic in the University of Kalamoon Medical City is presented and discussed. The disease was very extensive but surgical intervention was refused due to the patient being a young unmarried female. The patient was treated and observed over a period of ten months. She responded very well to medical treatment with albendazole. The case emphasizes the importance of hydatid disease being included in the differential diagnosis of any cyst in the abdominal cavity for patients living or coming from an area of endemic hydatid disease even without liver or lung involvement. This also goes to show that it can respond to medical treatment, which becomes even more valuable in conditions where surgical intervention might not be an option.
Prevalence of blood-borne viral infections among autopsy cases in Jordan
المؤلفون: Faris G. Bakri, Imad M. Al-Abdallat, Nidaa Ababneh, Rayyan Al Ali, Ahmed K.F. Idhair and Azmi MahafzahBackground: Morgues are high risk areas for the spread of infection from cadavers to staff during the post-mortem examination. Infection can spread from corpses to workers by airborne transmission, by direct contact, or through needle and sharp object injuries. Objective: Knowledge about the prevalence of these infections on autopsy is essential to determine the risk of transmission and to further enforce safety measures. Methods: This is a descriptive study. All autopsies performed in the Department of Forensic Medicine at Jordan University Hospital during the study period were tested for the serology of human immunodeficiency, hepatitis B and C viruses. Positive tests were confirmed by nucleic acid testing. Results: A total of 242 autopsies were tested. Age ranged from 3 days to 94 years (median 75.5 years, mean 45.3 years (21.9 ± SD)). There were 172 (71%) males. The cause of death was considered natural in 137 (56.6%) cases, accidental in 89 (36.8%), homicide in nine (3.7%), suicide in four (1.7%), and unknown in three (1.2%) cases. Hepatitis B surface antigen was positive in five (2.1%) cases. Hepatitis C virus antibody was positive in five (2.1%) cases and the hepatitis C virus polymerase chain reaction was positive in two (0.8%) cases. HIV antibody was not detected in any of the cases. The infection status of cases was not associated with age, sex, nationality, or cause of death. Conclusion: The study findings indicated that there is a low prevalence of virus-infected autopsies in Jordan. However, the risk of transmission remains a potential threat and therefore the necessary precautions should always be taken during autopsy.
Diagnostic difficulties in human rabies: A case report and review of the literature
Rabies is a zoonotic disease with the highest fatality rate of any infectious disease. The clinical features of rabies encephalopathy are highly nonspecific at the onset and clinicians from low endemic areas usually face difficulties in recognizing cases during the early stages. The need for establishing a rapid and accurate test to identify rabies during the ante-mortem period is important. However, in actual clinical practice, the latter may remain difficult for various reasons. In human rabies, positively identifying the antigen, antibody or genetic material by various diagnostic methods during the symptomatic period is affected by the unpredictable nature of viremia, levels of antibody immune response of the host, and the virulence of the infecting strain. Also, more advanced testing with greater sensitivity may not be readily available at all centers. Here we describe a case of a young male who was bitten by a rabid dog and developed progressive encephalopathy with a fatal outcome, with negative antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). A review of the literature on the clinical features, diagnostic tests, treatment and prevention of rabies is also presented.
The effect of faith-based smoking cessation intervention during Ramadan among Malay smokers
Objectives: To study the effects of a faith-based smoking cessation intervention during Ramadan among Malay male smokers working in public offices. Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study conducted during Ramadan 2015. The intervention was developed based on the constructs within the Theory of Planned Behaviour. The intervention intended to increase the intention and the perceived behaviour control to stop smoking among Muslim smokers during Ramadan. The outcomes measured were changes in the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence score and saliva cotinine levels. Data were collected at baseline (5 days before Ramadan), during Ramadan (21st day of Ramadan) and post-Ramadan (21 days after Ramadan). Statistical tests to examine changes within and between groups were carried out and the significance level was set at p < 0.05. Results: During Ramadan, the saliva cotinine level decreased significantly in both groups (p = 0.001 in the control group and p = < 0.001 in the intervention group). However, after Ramadan, it remained significant only in the intervention group (p = 0.025). A significant change between the groups was only noticed during Ramadan (p = 0.049). Conclusion: The reduction in the saliva cotinine level was found to be more sustainable post-Ramadan in the intervention group. This finding could indicate the positive effect of using this culturally-competent intervention to encourage smoking cessation during Ramadan.
Pattern of benign ovarian cysts in Qatari women
المؤلفون: Fatimah ZahraObjective: To study the age distribution, histopathological types, lateral distribution and surgical interventions performed for benign ovarian cysts in Qatari women undergoing surgical intervention for an ovarian cyst. Design: A retrospective descriptive study. Setting: Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Al-Ahli Hospital, Doha, Qatar. Patients and methods: Data were collected retrospectively from clinical records of Qatari women who underwent surgical intervention from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2015 at Al-Ahli Hospital for an ovarian or paraovarian cyst. The age distribution, frequencies and percentages were calculated for each type of ovarian cyst and the side of the ovary involved was recorded. Results were statistically analysed by IBM SPSS, version 23. Results: A total of 81 women had an ovarian or paraovarian cyst. Age ranged from 16 to 58 years. The maximum number of women were in the 21–30-year-old age group. Benign epithelial cysts were found to be most common (32; 39.5%), of which the majority were for endometriotic cysts (15; 18.5%), serous cystadenoma (13; 16%) and mucinous cystadenoma (4; 4.9%). This was followed by physiological cysts (26; 32.1%), which included corpus luteal cysts (15; 18.5%) and simple follicular cysts (11; 13.6%). The other categories of ovarian tumours were for mature cystic teratoma (14; 17.3%), benign sex cord–stromal tumours (1; 1.2%) which included stromal cell tumours (1; 1.2%), borderline ovarian tumour (1; 1.2%) and paraovarian cysts (7; 8.6%). There was bilateral ovarian involvement in 9 cases (11.1%) and unilateral involvement in 72 (88.9%). The right ovary was involved in more cases (39; 48.1%), than for the left ovary (33; 40.7%). Conclusion: Benign epithelial tumours were found to be the most common type of ovarian tumour in Qatari women. Endometriotic cysts followed by serous cystadenomas were the most common types of benign epithelial tumours. The right ovary was found to be involved in more cases than the left ovary.
Marginal analysis in assessing factors contributing time to physician in the Emergency Department using operations data
Background: Standard Emergency Department (ED) operations goals include minimization of the time interval (tMD) between patients' initial ED presentation and initial physician evaluation. This study assessed factors known (or suspected) to influence tMD with a two-step goal. The first step was generation of a multivariate model identifying parameters associated with prolongation of tMD at a single study center. The second step was the use of a study center-specific multivariate tMD model as a basis for predictive marginal probability analysis; the marginal model allowed for prediction of the degree of ED operations benefit that would be affected with specific ED operations improvements. Methods: The study was conducted using one month (May 2015) of data obtained from an ED administrative database (EDAD) in an urban academic tertiary ED with an annual census of approximately 500,000; during the study month, the ED saw 39,593 cases. The EDAD data were used to generate a multivariate linear regression model assessing the various demographic and operational covariates' effects on the dependent variable tMD. Predictive marginal probability analysis was used to calculate the relative contributions of key covariates as well as demonstrate the likely tMD impact on modifying those covariates with operational improvements. Analyses were conducted with Stata 14MP, with significance defined at p < 0.05 and confidence intervals (CIs) reported at the 95% level. Results: In an acceptable linear regression model that accounted for just over half of the overall variance in tMD (adjusted r2 0.51), important contributors to tMD included shift census (p = 0.008), shift time of day (p = 0.002), and physician coverage n (p = 0.004). These strong associations remained even after adjusting for each other and other covariates. Marginal predictive probability analysis was used to predict the overall tMD impact (improvement from 50 to 43 minutes, p < 0.001) of consistent staffing with 22 physicians. Conclusions: The analysis identified expected variables contributing to tMD with regression demonstrating significance and effect magnitude of alterations in covariates including patient census, shift time of day, and number of physicians. Marginal analysis provided operationally useful demonstration of the need to adjust physician coverage numbers, prompting changes at the study ED. The methods used in this analysis may prove useful in other EDs wishing to analyze operations information with the goal of predicting which interventions may have the most benefit.
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