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Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Volume 2012 Issue 1
- Conference date: 21-23 Oct 2012
- Location: Qatar National Convention Center (QNCC), Doha, Qatar
- Volume number: 2012
- Published: 01 October 2012
61 - 80 of 469 results
An optimal integrated strategy assortment, pricing and order quantity decisions for a firm with customers' behavior and market competition
Authors: Syed Asif Raza and Syed Hasan AdilIn order to meet the customers' requirements, firms need to design a product line rather than a single product because customers belong to different segments and each segment has its own specific product requirement which usually does not meet by a single product. The two major objectives of Product Line Design (PLD) are: (i) customers' satisfaction and (ii) the firm's profit maximization. Existing works consider customer preferences for a product selection based on an attraction choice model using a different combination of attribute levels and the firm's own pricing strategy. The existing models utilize Bratley-Terry-Luce (BTL), Multinomial Logit (MNL), Multiplicative Competitive Interaction (MCI) techniques for computing customer choice, which suffers the limitation imposed by Independence of Irrelevant Alternative property. However, these models do not consider the impact of customer leakage and impact of competitor pricing on product offering for the same customer segment. In this research work we model the PLD problem which considers both customer leakage and competitor pricing strategy. It also use Mixed Logit (MXL) to fix the limitation imposed by IIA property. The resulting model is NP-hard, which computationally intractable for realist problems using an exact solution approach. Thus, this research discussed the use of meta-heuristics to solve the problem. In addition, the utilization of Radial Basis function (RBS) in neural networks is demonstrated to estimate customer preferences and other model related parameters.
Investigating student-centered teaching and learning in Qatar independent schools
More LessQatari educational curriculum standards emphasize student-centered classrooms where students actively engage in inquiry and problem solving. Classrooms characterized by these elements should emerge as more successful on Qatari standards-based assessments, but little research has been done to determine whether these elements exist. The purpose of this study was to develop profiles of Qatar schools and to examine the relationships among classroom processes, teacher and student perceptions, and student achievement in math and science classrooms in higher and lower achieving elementary schools. Data were collected in October, 2008, in 17 schools randomly selected from 46 schools that had implemented the standards for at least 3 years. Descriptive data for school profiles were generated and compared qualitatively. Findings indicate that the percentage of standards met by schools is very low and the incidence of classroom behaviors associated with student-centered classrooms is also very low across schools (0% to 9.53%). However, teachers report high levels of efficacy on a 6 point scale for teaching in reform-oriented schools and perceive that they are implementing high levels of standards-based practices. Reports of inquiry practices were lower (4.2 to 5.76) but still high compared to observation of these practices. While schools making more progress meeting standards tended to exhibit higher levels of student-centered behaviors, no patterns existed for teacher perceptions. They tended to be high despite achievement level or level of observed implementation. Students' perceptions of classroom environment and problem solving also were high, but variations by achievement level were noted with higher performing schools reporting greater student-centeredness and problem-solving activities. The mismatch between participant perceptions and both observed behaviors and achievement has implications for the implementation of reform in general and professional development in particular.
أثر استخدام ذوي الإعاقة لوسائل الإعلام الاجتماعي علي تفاعلهم الاجتماعي في اطار نموذج الحوكمة الاعلامية
More Lessأثر استخدام ذوي الإعاقة لوسائل الإعلام الاجتماعي علي تفاعلهم الاجتماعي في اطار نموذج الحوكمة الاعلامية مشكلة الدراسة: شهد العالم اهتماما متزايدا بقضايا الإعاقة علي المستويين الرسمي والشعبي مما أثمر عن صدور اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لحقوق الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة التي أكدت حقوق المعاقين في ان يعيشوا حياة كريمة ويتمتعوا بكافة حقوقهم مثل أقرانهم الآخرين ، غير ان الممارسة الفعلية لهذه الحقوق تثبت عدم التطبيق الكامل لهذه الاتفاقية -علي الاقل فيما يخص الجانب الاعلامي - فما زالت الصور النمطية التي تقدم عن المعاقين في الاعلام وخاصة الدراما العربية بشقيها الافلام والمسلسلات سلبية ومن بينها تكريس صور للعجز والشفقة والانحراف والفساد ومهادنة السلطة والمهن التقليدية وهو أمر لا يتناسب تماما مع الواقع الفعلي للمعاقين في العالم عامة وفي قطر خاصة ، ومن هنا تتحدد مشكلة الدراسة في الإجابة علي السؤال البحثي التالي :ما طبيعة الصور الحالية التي يقدم بها المعاقين في الدراما العربية - بشقيها الأفلام والمسلسلات- وما هي الأسس العلمية التي ينبغي مراعاتها عند إعادة تقديم هذه الفئة في ضوء نموذج الحوكمة الاعلامية ؟ هدف الدراسة: ترشيد استخدام الدراما كأداة جذابة ومشوقة لتكوين صور ذهنية لدي المعاقين من خلال التقديم الواقعي لهذه الفئة بما يعكس دورها ومكانتها في المجتمع لتكوين صورة ذهنية طيبة عنها لدي الافراد. الأهداف الفرعية : 1- التعرف علي طبيعة وحجم الصور الايجابية والسلبية التي قدم بها المعاقين في الدراما العربية. 2- قياس الي أي مدي تقترب الدراما العربية من تطبيق نموذج الحوكمة الاعلامية عند تقديمها لصور المعاقين. أهم النتائج 1- ثبت ان الصورة التي يقدم بها المعاقين سلبية جدا في مجملها وتعكس معاني العجز والشفقة والخضوع ومحدودية الفكر وتولي المناصب التقليدية او البطالة والاعتماد علي الآخرين والانحراف الأخلاقي والسلوكي والفساد ، كما ان هناك اعاقات معينة تبرز للاثارة اكثر من غيرها. 2- تعاني الدراما العربية عند تقديمها لصورة المعاقين نقصا شديد في فهم طبيعة ونفسية المعاق وما زالت تقدمه في اطار يكرس معاني الانفصال والتبعية . 3- الدراما العربية تهتم فقط بالاثارة عند تقديم صور المعاقين ولا تراعي مباديء المسؤولية الاجتماعية او الحوكمة الاعلامية. 4- هناك العديد من الاسس الواجب مراعاتها عند التقديم الدرامي للمعاقين سواء في الافلام او المسلسلات.
An exploratory study of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire as a behavioral screening instrument in Qatar
Authors: Maha Al-Hendawi and Clayton KellerBackground and Objectives: Special education in Arab countries, including Qatar, is hampered by the lack of reliable and valid assessments that are (a) in Arabic, (b) contextualized to Arab countries, and (c) normed on appropriate local samples as such instruments are necessary for the accurate identification of disabilities and development of effective instruction. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a brief behavioral screening tool completed by teachers and parents of children and youth. Its 25 items assess a range of emotional and behavioral disorders through six scales. The instrument, widely used in research as well as practice, has been translated into more than 50 languages and used across a number of countries. Its use in Arab countries, and especially the Gulf, has been limited, however. This UREP-funded research assessed the adequacy of the Arabic version of the SDQ in Qatar by (a) examining the instrument's psychometric properties and (b) investigating its efficacy in identifying emotional and behavioral disorders. Methods: SDQs were collected on over 2,300 students from six primary schools in Qatar. The schools were selected based on geographic location and students' gender, academic performance, and nationalities. Analyses investigated (a) the theoretical structure of the SDQ, (b) the reliability of the SDQ as a whole and its scales, and (c) score classification using standard scoring bands. Results: Results from confirmatory factor analyses suggested that the structure of the SDQ and its scales found in other research was replicated to a large extent, but not entirely. The internal consistencies of the instrument and its scales were adequate to strong for all but two scales. For only three of the 12 scales did the application of the standard scoring bands, however, begin to sort the students into the 80% normal, 10% borderline, and 10% abnormal distribution of scores supported by research in some countries. Conclusions: Additional work is needed to improve this instrument needed in Qatar by: (a) strengthening the internal consistencies of unreliable scales and (b) constructing Qatar‐specific bands for score classification. Doing so will provide schools with an important resource for addressing students' emotional and behavioral needs.
Qatar's school transportation system: Supporting safety, efficiency, and service quality
In consideration of the many challenges associated with Qatar's continued growth and demographic changes, the government of Qatar is interested in updating its school transportation system (STS). This work assesses the perspectives of parents and school administrators on Qatar's STS, identifies a vision and goals for the STS, reviews international norms for school transportation, and discusses strategies to achieve the vision and better align Qatar's STS with international norms. The authors articulate four elements of a vision for Qatar's STS: 1 - provide safe, efficient, and high-quality transportation for Qatar's students 2 - support educational options by enabling mobility and access 3 - provide a transportation experience that is supportive of Qatari values and culture 4 - minimize the impact on traffic congestion and the environment. The authors recommend 13 strategies to help achieve this vision, such as establishing clearly marked schools zones with standardized safety features and establishing standards for licensing and training bus drivers. The authors also provide a preliminary evaluation of several other strategies with less certain costs and benefits, such as changing the composition of the school bus fleet, implementing bus stops, and staggering school start times.
Analysis of energy demand through econometric modeling
Energy is an important driver for the socio-economic development of a country. Only a sufficient amount of quality energy can promote economic development and satisfy energy demand of the people. Therefore, one important aspect of energy planning is to devise policies that can promote a justifiable use of energy consumption. In order to be able to do so, energy planners use various kinds of mathematical models. In this research, we studied electricity consumption in Qatar through econometric models. As residential and industrial activities are the two most demanding electricity consuming activities in Qatar, we have focused our analysis on these two sectors only. The analysis studies the historical growth pattern and fits the consumption pattern through various econometric models. The most significant model is then proposed for use to forecast electricity consumption for a specified planning period into the future. We believe that an understanding of relationship between electricity consumption and various socio-economic variables will help the planners to develop better generation and transmission policies. Our analysis shows that most of the socio-economic variables may not fit the model due to the electricity consumption characteristics in Qatar. However, the chosen econometric models provide insignificant absolute difference with actual electricity consumption. Once the future values of socio-economic variables are made available, reliable forecast can be obtained for use by the decision makers. We present various results obtained from the analysis.
Interfaith encounters: Shifting from 'interfaith dialogue' to 'interfaith collaboration', a foundation for religious tolerance
More LessToday, in the globalized world in which we are living, with a full diversity of beliefs, thoughts and cultures, it has become essential for us all to focus on common ground and areas of cooperation, as well as challenges that face us regardless of our faith or belief systems. Our mutual coexistence is facing numerous challenges, starting with the acute ignorance of one another, the increase of mistrust amongst followers of different religions, through to the more extreme trends and symptoms of discrimination, hatred and violence. In the light of all of the above, it is clear that interreligious dialogue has become a necessity, rather than a luxury, and that one cannot build agreement and cooperation without first building trust and understanding. It is vital that interfaith dialogues continue to build more trust and clearer understanding of one another's faith, but it is similarly vital that now what is needed is to move from the 'interfaith dialogue' phase to 'interfaith collaboration'. This paper attempts to explore such challenges that face the interfaith encounters and the prospects to establish a more solid interfaith collaboration.
Study of some perspective of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children
Authors: Ehsane Mohsen Gad and Asmaa Amin AbdelazizBackground: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by developmentally inappropriate inattentiveness, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, and is the most common and thoroughly researched neuropsychiatry disorder affecting children and adolescence. The diagnosis of ADHD requires a comprehensive clinical assessment, including a detailed patient history, clinical interview and observation, and a thorough physical examination. Objective: Our study is a prospective study to analyze the socio-demographic data of children with the diagnosis of ADHD attending the outpatient clinic of the department of psychiatry at Hamad General Hospital in Qatar, the co-morbid psychiatric disorder associated with ADHD, and also the effect of different treatment modalities on those patients. Results: 29.2% of patients have co-morbid autism, up to 17.6% for organic brain syndrome; oppositional defiant disorders and conduct disorder, followed by depression and obsessive compulsive disorder in 5.8% of cases. Conclusion: Clinically, treatment with stimulants result in an immediate, often dramatic, improvement in the core symptoms of ADHD. We concluded that accurate diagnosis and optimal management of this disorder may be the keys to improving long term outcomes of youth with this disorder.
Globalization and women's sports participation in Qatar
Authors: Susan Dun and Motasem KalajiBackground/Objectives: Qatar's entry to the global elite sporting scene, most obviously through its stunning coup to win the hosting rights for the 2022 FIFA World Cup, has been accompanied by pressure to increase participation of female athletes. In response, Qatar has dedicated considerable resources to women's sports and Qatari women have been prominently featured in the 2011 Arab Games and the 2012 Summer Olympics. Qatar officials have publicly voiced their hope that these women will serve as role models who encourage women and girls to engage in physical activity and sports. At the same time, lifestyle changes linked to globalization have wreaked havoc on the health of all Qataris, with rampant diabetes and obesity rates that are among the highest in the world. Women in Qatar may face particular constraints that make it potentially more challenging for them to engage in regular physical activity to combat these diseases. The particular question this study aims to answer is "are Qatari elite female athletes influencing women in Qatar to engage in physical activity/sports?" Method: We have utilized an 84-item survey to investigate what influences the physical activity of women in Qatar. The survey was open before, during and after the summer 2012 Olympics in English and Arabic. Results: The data reported here are based on one set of questions from the larger survey. We found that while personal role models such as friends and family play an important role in physical activity, public figure role models, such as those cited by Qatari officials, are far less frequently cited as influences and in fact, only one Arab public figure of any kind (celebrity, athlete, etc.) was mentioned as a role model for sports or physical activity participation. Conclusion: While the Qatari elite female athletes are smashing gender barriers, they have not yet started to function as significant role models for women in Qatar. Strategies to increase their effectiveness are identified. At this historic point in the development of elite female athletics in Qatar, the research provides data Qatari health officials can utilize in their attempts to combat diabetes/obesity and increase all women's activity levels.
Prediction of road accidents in Qatar 2022
Authors: Khalifa Al-Khalifa and Abdel Magid HamoudaBackground: Traffic accidents have become a social scourge more serious than may be expected. Traffic accidents are greatly concerning for all members of society, and have become one of its most important problems, draining human and material resources. This is in addition to the incurred problems of social, psychological and material losses. Road traffic accidents are increasingly being recognized as a growing public health problem in Qatar. Objective: The main aim of this work is to identify the factors affecting the road accidents in Qatar, and the model that predicts the number of road accidents by year 2022. Method: The number of road accidents can be predicting by the Accident Prediction Model - a mathematical formula describing the relation between the safety level of existing roads (i.e. crashes, victims, injured, fatalities), and variables that explain this level (population ,driving license, number of vehicles). The methods that describe the existing case in Qatar were the multiple linear regression model and the artificial neutral network. Those methods were analyzed and their findings compared. Results: In this study we used multiple linear regression (using number of vehicles, type of vehicles, population, number of driving license) and neural networks to both back-cast (1992-2012) and forecast accidents (2012-2022) in the state of Qatar. The results estimated that if there is no intervention the number of accidents is expected to reach 320,000 by 2022. Conclusions: The main causes of road accidents have remained much the same over time with reckless driving, speeding and lane changing errors (at roundabouts and on higher speed roads) responsible for more than 90% of accidents. Pedestrian fatalities and accidents are of particular concern in Qatar and the number of heavy vehicles using roads has also increased, causing additional safety issues. Road safety has been given high priority for some years in Qatar through extensive safety and awareness campaigns and more aggressive law enforcement, which over the last three years has helped reduce fatalities to their lowest mark in two decades.
Olympic education in museums: An experience report
More LessBased on the idea that museums are non-formal education places and therefore play an important role in the collective memory of their respective societies, this paper aims to examine the Olympic Education Program realized in the 'Olympics through Media Exhibition' organized by the Qatar Museums Authority departments in Doha, Qatar in 2012. The phrase 'olympic education' (OE) was first used by Norbert Muller in 1975. Muller based his studies on Pierre de Coubertin's (founder of the modern Olympics) writings. Naul explains that the writings of Coubertin were interpreted by several authors and all these studies were included in the framework of an OE. Thus, the OE became a complex topic used in a multidisciplinary field connecting different areas of knowledge and having the main focus on the Olympic sport, the multiculturalism and the fair play. Based on that, formal and non-formal educational institutions develop programs of OE. Olympic and sport museums can be considered non-formal educational institutions where OE can be developed through exhibitions. Education in museums can be defined "as a set of values, concepts, knowledge and practices aimed at ensuring the visitor's development; it is connected with the notion of awakening, which aims to arouse curiosity, to lead to questioning and develop the capacity to think". Following this approach, the educational program of the 'Olympics through Media Exhibition' was planned. The program was based on the values of Qatari society and the Olympic values. The staff was trained to promote interactivity in a dedicated area for children. There the activities included drawing, painting, video-gaming, quizzes, puzzles, guided tours, etc. The exhibition took place during school vacation; therefore an exclusive Holyday Program was organized with more than seventy children of different ages. The formal teaching of OE is still under development in Qatar. However the non-formal initiatives, such as cultural exhibitions, are already contributing to this process. The places of non-formal education, once they are connected with the local culture, are able to transmit important values from sport to society.
Sport museums and the practical uses of research
In the near future Qatar will be a country of many museums, but already many temporary exhibitions are open to the public. The International Council of Museums defines museums as an institution which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment. The question of whether a sports museum is a place for scientific research has already been raised. The on-going discussion is about how to accomplish this. As a contribution, this article aims to examine the practical use of research in museums based on the "Arab Games Exhibition" (AGE), which was developed by the Qatar Olympic & Sports Museum in Doha, Qatar in 2011. The AGE showcased the history of these Games from their first edition until its last. Lacking a comprehensive body of reliable secondary literature and information on the whereabouts of possible artifacts, it was necessary to develop an extensive research project to find written and oral sources, and then objects to exhibit. Thus, the whole exhibition concept was based on the findings of the developed research. The primary sources used in the research were the documents displayed in the exhibition, which reinforces the idea that the museum collections function as a primary source for research. The sports museum's collections are usually sport artifacts and memorabilia preserved to document the phenomenon. Therefore, research sources and collections are interconnected. In addition to the scarce written sources, the memories of athletes were recorded. These interviews were presented audio-visually for the exhibition, 'giving a voice' to the athletes and explored the appeal of audio-visual exhibits to the public. Naturally, these interviews have become part of the museum collection, being preserved for future exhibitions and research. The example of the AGE illustrates the uses of research in museums. The museum collections can be considered as 'archives' of sources for socio-cultural studies. Furthermore, the exhibitions and the educational programs can be considered the 'space' where the knowledge developed through research is reinterpreted to showcase the complexity of the sport phenomenon to the public.
Innovative learning environment based on research activities for high school students
Authors: Kaltham Ali Al-Ghanim, Mariam Al-Maadeed and Noora Al-ThaniQatar aims to transition to a knowledge-based economy by 2030. This vision requires labor forces with high skills. On the other hand, high school students are reluctant to enroll in disciplines such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering and technology. This fact raises questions about the society capacity to provide the appropriate labor force to achieve such a vision. Therefore there is a need to search for ways to raise the high school students' confidence to study those scientific disciplines. This research aimed to identify the learning possibilities offered by integrating secondary schools students within an advanced learning environment which offered research expertise. The method depends on using research as an activity for self-learning to understand basic science laws and unique applications. Twenty five high school students (18 male and 7 female) were randomly selected from the participants in Al-Biraq learning program in Qatar University, spring 2011. All the demographic characteristics of the participants in the experiment were unified such as; age, educational level (secondary), grades (12), academic background (independent schools), cultural background (speak the same language). The research team assessed the impact of the program by testing the students' performance. Pre-post-test was the assessment tool. Teachers and parents were also surveyed to provide indications of changes in student behavior in classes and at home. The results showed an improvement in student attitudes towards research and invention. The percentage of the students who agreed that they are capable of invention increased from 52% to 84%. The students who strongly agreed that their skills has increased after participating in scientific experiments from 48% to 72%. The study also, showed that there is significant change in attitude after attending this program as the confidence increased from 35% to be 75%. Findings did not reveal any differences based in gender. The overall outcome of the research is to emphasize the importance of non-traditional teaching methods based on research activities to improve students' attitudes and knowledge about science. Acknowledgement: The authors would like to thank the following companies for their sponsorship of the program: RasGas, Shell, Msheireb, Qatar Petroleum
Assessing Qatar media landscape using UNESCO Media Development Indicators
Authors: Marion Desmurger and Roos MeertensBackground & Objectives: The Doha Centre for Media Freedom (DCMF) will be conducting research to assess the media landscape in Qatar. To do so, DCMF intends to use a methodology developed by UNESCO referred to as the Media Development Indicators (MDIs). The MDIs define a framework, within which the media can best contribute to, and benefit from, good governance and democratic development. The MDIs comprise five categories of indicators that, together, provide an aspirational picture of the media ecology to be constructed in order to ensure freedom of expression, pluralism and diversity of the media. Those indicators include: a system of regulation; plurality and diversity of media; media as a platform for democratic discourse; professional capacity building; and infrastructural capacity. The MDIs are not intended as a tool to rank a country's level of media development against that of others. Instead, the indicators should be tailored and customised to fit the particularities of the national context in order to support the efforts of actors working in the area of media development, including policy makers. Methods: Collaboration, consultation and national ownership are key components to enhance the potential impact and local capacity of this project. To this end, DCMF will commission the research to a team of five Qatar-based researchers. The research group will receive training from a UNESCO expert on how to best conduct an MDI assessment. Simultaneously, DCMF will set up an Advisory Committee composed of the most notable stakeholders and experts in the field of media development in Qatar who will provide the research group with feedbacks and recommendations. The project will start in October and end in April 2013. Results: In addition to providing one of the first in-depth analytical studies of the media situation in Qatar, this research will guide the formulation of policy-related recommendations. The final report will be published as a book in Arabic and English. It is hoped that this book will serve as a public resource for universities, media outlets and research institutes in Qatar and, in the long-term, support Qatar's transition from a carbon economy to a knowledge economy.
People and the city: Unveiling the lived urban environment of Doha
Authors: Ashraf M. Salama, Florian Wiedmann and Alain ThiersteinBackground and Objectives: This study examines the production of urbanism by focusing on the collective spatial practice and inhabitants' perceptions of the urban environment in emerging cities, with Doha as a case study. While the built environment is necessarily an important and obvious aspect of cities, this study attempts to apply a holistic approach to the understanding of what the reality of the space of a city is - beyond the face value of its concrete, urban reality. Therefore, the notion of the lived space is introduced to illustrate how it can be utilized to identify factors necessary for understanding the process of space production. In this respect, it is vital to understand the role of inhabitants and how they comprehend, appreciate, and appropriate urban environments with a focus on two main factors: urban identity and urban diversity. Methods: A set of various methodologies is applied to investigate the complex interrelationship between urban environments and human behavior. The two main categories of selected methodologies are observation studies focusing on mapping urban spaces and movements and, secondly, a survey questionnaire that aims integrating the individual views of inhabitants. After conducting a typo-morphological analysis of key urban spaces in Doha, behavioral mapping was applied to survey the use of these spaces by inhabitants according to days of the week and various times of day. The questionnaire was distributed to 350 employees working in high-service sectors in order to assess their perception of certain urban environments and their general experience of living in Doha. Results and Conclusions: The analysis and combination of these two types of empirical studies led to various recognitions relevant to the complex relationships between physical urban developments and Doha's inhabitants. Since the urban environment of the city has been undergoing major transformations finding answers to the question of how inhabitants are part of this kind of urbanism and how they may contribute to the diversification process and the establishment of a vibrant hub is essential.
A literacy exercise: An extracurricular reading program as an intervention to develop student reading habits in Qatar
Authors: Ramzi Nasser, Sama Al-Hajri and Hanan Ahmed Al-HailThis paper presents the implementation of a two-month reading extracurricular activity designed for fourth grade students. The resulting data and analysis detailed primary students attitudes towards reading, teacher self-efficacy, teacher instructional behavior and home literacy measures. The reading program was designed through a Qatar University partnership with the Childhood Cultural Center, both non-governmental organizations. The program was run in four schools selected randomly. The program was announced to each school and students in the four schools were asked if they wished to enroll after receiving parental consent. In total there were 248 in the treatment group (students who enrolled in the reading program in the English and Arabic) and 176 students who were recruited in the control group (did not enroll in the program). The main analytical design was a split-plot analysis of variance (ANOVA) design. The findings of this study suggested that students in the reading program were prone to have higher interest than those who did not enroll in the reading program, even when factoring out parental and home environment effects. This paper begins by providing background information on the importance of reading. An overview is presented of existing evidence on the effectiveness of an after-school setting and a description of the reading program tested to support the implementation of these models in school sites. The results from this study provide an impact evaluation and recommendations for further implementation.
Habitual sleep quantity helps maintain sustained attention levels in fasting Muslims during Ramadan
Authors: Abdulaziz Farooq and Christopher P HerreraBackground: Sleep deprivation is associated with a reduction in sustained alertness and increased risk of road traffic crashes. Sleep deprivation has been reported in Muslims who observe daily intermittent fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. Epidemiological studies from Muslim countries, UAE and Saudi Arabia, show an increase in road traffic crashes during Ramadan. Aim: To determine the effect of Ramadan fasting on sleep and sustained attention levels in order to understand driving hazard during daylight hours. Methods: This was a quasi-experimental design in which sleep and sustained attention were compared between fasting Muslims (n=9) and non-fasting (n=9) subjects. Each subject maintained a sleep diary and completed the computerized rapid visual processing (RVP) task to evaluate sustained attention. The RVP was conducted at 4:00 PM on three different occasions (before Ramadan, 1st week of Ramadan and 3rd week of Ramadan). Results: In fasting subjects total sleep time before Ramadan (7.2±0.5h) was not different during Ramadan (7.4±0.3h, p=0.708); this was the same for non-fasting subjects (7.8±0.3h vs. 7.5±0.4h respectively, p=0.291). The mean latency to correct response on the RVP task before Ramadan (417.3±23.7 ms) was reduced at the end of Ramadan (368.7±23.7 ms, p=0.002) in fasting subjects only. Total misses were insignificantly greater in fasting subjects (4.3±1.2) than non-fasting subjects (2.8±1.2 p=0.348) at the end of Ramadan. False alarms remained unchanged in both groups. Conclusion: In this study, Ramadan fasting had no adverse impact on sleep or sustained attention. These results suggest that habitual sleep quantity is necessary to maintain daytime sustained attention levels in those fasting during Ramadan.
Hubs of knowledge flows in globalizing Doha
More LessDuring the last decade, many cities in the Middle East have experienced dramatic forms of urban change in response to the new world order and what is referred to as "globalization". Global flows of capital, people, and knowledge and information began to reshape the economic, social, and political structures of cities across the region. This study investigates the role of global knowledge and information flows in shaping development in Doha during the era of globalization. It focuses on the hubs or places that have the capacity of triggering flows from the global domain to the local context. These hubs are classified into three main types: 1) Micro places of flows which are small hubs that connect a local context to the global domain. They perform individually and spontaneously with minimum regulations. They also don't feature any forms of coordination. Homes, offices and cafes exposed to global flows of information via internet and satellite channels fall under this category. 2) Intermediate scale places of flows which feature more intense agglomerations of global flows than micro hubs. They perform in a relatively more regulated and coordinated manner and are usually run by institutions or organizations. 3) Mega places of flows which are hubs that host very intense and massive scales of global flows. They are usually very specialized and regulated. Besides, they require huge investments which make them a feature of rich cities. These three types of hubs play a significant role in intensifying flows of knowledge to Doha. This study maps and analyzes these three types of hubs of knowledge flows in the city. It presents a comprehensive documentation of these hubs in order to highlight their contribution to the city.
التنمر: دراسة حول السلوك العدواني بين طلاب المدراس في قطر
More Lessيعتبر السلوك العدواني في المدارس أحد المظاهر السلوكية المنتشرة بين الطلاب على اختلاف أعمارهم ومستوياتهم الدراسية. وتعاني المدارس في قطر مثل بقية المدارس في العالم من هذه الظاهرة، وإن كانت لم تبلغ هنا تلك الحدود القصوى التي عرفتها بعض البلدان حيث يقع فيها اللجوء لاستعمال الأسلحة بكل أنواعها. تكمن أهمية هذا الموضوع في الآثار السلبية الناتجة عنه التي تطال الطلبة، وتهدد تماسك الأسرة، والعلاقات بين الجماعات في المدرسة، بين الطلبة أنفسهم، وبينهم وبين المعلمين. من هذا المنطلق تبرز أهمية إجراء دراسة مسحية تساعد على تحقيق معرفة أدق بهذا السلوك العدواني المتمثل في التنمر "Bullying". وقد هدفت الدراسة إلى الإجابة على عدد من التساؤلات الأساسية المتعلقة بطبيعة هذا السلوك والعوامل التي تقف وراءه، وكذا الآثار التي تقع على الطالب نفسه، وعلى من حوله سواء في محيط المدرسة أو في الأسرة. وقد اعتمدت الدراسة على أسلوب المسح بالعينة لمجموعة من طلاب المدارس في دولة قطر في المراحل الثلاث الابتدائية، الإعدادية والثانوية من البنين والبنات، بلغت 2400 مفردة. كما تضمن البحث إجراء مقابلات معمقة مع عينة مستهدفة من الطلاب الذين يمارسون سلوك التنمر ومن الطلبة ضحايا التنمر، وكذلك مقابلات مع عينة من الأخصائيين الاجتماعيين العاملين في تلك المدارس. وقد سمحت الدراسة سواء في شقها الكمي أو النوعي بالتوصل إلى مجموعة من النتائج المهمة التي تسلط الضوء على التنمر في المدارس القطرية. من أهم النتائج التي حققتها الدراسة، معرفة الخصائص العامة للعينة المدروسة، ورسم صورة واضحة المعالم للطلبة، سواء كانوا من المتنمرين أومن ضحايا سلوك التنمر، حسب النوع والعمر والجنسية ومستوى التعليم والوضعية الاجتماعية لأسرهم. وكشفت الدراسة عن مدى انتشار هذا السلوك بين طلاب المدارس حسب عدد من المتغيرات الأساسية مثل النوع والعمر والجنسية والمرحلة التعليمية، وعضوية الجماعات المدرسية...الخ. كما سمحت الدراسة بمعرفة أنواع المضايقات التي يمارسها الطلبة المتنمرون، وتلك التي يتعرض لها الطلبة الضحايا، كما سمحت بتحديد الأماكن والأوقات التي ينتشر فيها هذا السلوك بقوة. وتوصلت الدراسة إلى التعرف على بعض العوامل المساعدة على انتشار سلوك التنمر بين طلبة المدارس في قطر، وتحديد عدد من التأثيرات السلبية الناتجة عن ممارسة سلوك التنمر أو الوقوع ضحية له، سواء كان ذلك على الصحة النفسية للطلبة، أو على العلاقات الاجتماعية ضمن الأسرة، وفي محيط المدرسة، وعلى الأداء المدرسي للطلبة.
Mentoring students into research through scholarly publishing
Authors: Ramzi Nasser and Haitham AlkhateebThis study reports on undergraduate student experience with a mentor on understanding research through the publishing of scholarly manuscripts. The study designed a 10-week intervention/educational program. Two undergraduate students were integrated in an educational mentoring process to identify and evaluate research in scientific manuscripts, as in literature reviews, research questions, hypothesis, and methods. The undergraduate students were exposed to the process of review, research and production of manuscripts. The two students saw the research process in final form as a pre-published manuscript. Undergraduate students worked with the mentor in reviewing a manuscript and they were engaged in the process of editorial work through the manuscript management system. Students drew the post concept maps of the publishing process, pre and post intervention, the maps showed evidence of knowledge and complex interactions of players in the publishing process. The students evaluated the mentoring process and demonstrated satisfaction with the program strength. The study proposed the development of an undergraduate course in scholarly publishing and developed a blue-print of the course.