Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Volume 2012 Issue 1
- تاريخ المؤتمر: 21-23 Oct 2012
- الموقع: Qatar National Convention Center (QNCC), Doha, Qatar
- رقم المجلد: 2012
- المنشور: ٠١ أكتوبر ٢٠١٢
81 - 100 of 469 نتائج
فاعلية قانون المرور رقم (19) في الحد من الحوادث المرورية وأثره على سلامة الأسرة والمجتمع
المؤلفون: Fhadil Muhsin Alroubaieفاعلية قانون المرور رقم (19) في الحد من الحوادث المرورية وأثره على سلامة الأسرة والمجتمع كان صدور قانون المرور رقم (19) لسنة 2007 تعبيراً عن اهتمام دولة قطر في مشكلة الحوادث المرورية وأهمية السيطرة عليها حفاظاً على الثروات البشرية والاقتصادية وعلى الأسرة والمجتمع. وهدف هذه الدراسة قياس اثر القانون المذكور على الحوادث المرورية وذلك بعد مرور سنة على تطبيقه واقتراح الإجراءات التي من شأنها المساهمة في زيادة السيطرة على الحوادث المرورية وتقليلها والحد من اثارها. وقد اعتمدت الدراسة على تصميم استبيان مفصل تم تطبيقه على عينة عشوائية من 2000 شخص ممن يقودون المركبات المختلفة من جنسيات وأعمار ومستويات دراسية وعملية مختلفة وفي مختلف مناطق الدولة. توصلت إلى مجموعة من النتائج كان من اهمها ان مستوى الوعي بخطورة الحوادث المرورية ياتي بالمقام الثاني بعد قضية المخدرات والمسكرات من بين قضايا الأمن والصحة في المجتمع، وإن مستوى الوعي بخطورة الحوادث المرورية بالمقارنة مع أهم القضايا الأخرى التي تهدد الصحة والأمان لازال دون المستوى المطلوب، بالرغم من الوعي العالي بمسببات الحوادث المرورية. وجود تأثير إيجابي لقانون المرور الجديد في تخفيض معدل الوفيات ومعدل الإصابات نتيجة للحوادث المرورية، لكن لم يكن كذلك من حيث شدة الحوادث. زيادة نسبة مخالفات تجاوز الحد الأقصى للسرعة، تجاوز الإشارات المرورية، التجاوز بصورة خاطئة. انخفاض نسبة مخالفات عدم استخدام حزام الأمان، الوقوف الخطأ، وجلوس الأطفال دون سن العاشرة بالمقاعد الأمامية للمركبة,الرغبة بزيادة الغرامات المالية لمخالفات عدم الالتزام بالإشارة المرورية، تجاوز السرعة المحددة، التجاوز من اليمين، القيادة بدون رخصة، قيادة المركبة عكس اتجاه السير،و قيادة المركبة تحت تأثير المسكرات والمخدرات. أن مستوى وعي السائقين بقانون المرورضعيف. أن للأسرة الدور الأكبر في مجال التوعية بأخطار الحوادث المرورية تليها المؤسسة الإعلامية ثم المؤسسة التربوية. أن أكثر من نصف الأسر تتأثر بالحوادث المرورية من حيث الخسائر البشرية والإصابات. ومعظم الأسر تتأثر اقتصادياً نتيجة للحوادث المرورية. يمكن إيجاز توصيات الدراسة في وضع خطة واضحة وقابلة للتنفيذ للتوعية المرورية، زيادة غرامة تجاوز السرعة ومضاعفتها عند تكرارها. زيادة مبلغ الغرامات المالية لبعض المخالفات و زيادة عدد كاميرات المراقبة على مختلف الطرق. ايجاد تنظيم قانوني وفني يربط بين الحوادث المرورية و التآمين. زيادة عدد دوريات المرور واللوحات الارشادية وكذلك تطوير صيغ التدريب في مدارس السياقة, كما تم التعرض لدور المؤسسة التربوية في تعزيز الثقافة المرورية.
Suckling, adoption and the incest taboo: Significance of studying kinship for social science and for Qatar
المؤلفون: Fadwa El-GuindiBACKGROUND & OBJECTIVES: Kinship, the cross-cultural subject of this project-based paper, is dynamic in Qatari life and has specialized conceptual/ methodological tools. Within it, 'incest taboo' ("tahrim" in Arabic), a human universal, generated numerous explanations: 'horror instinct', 'genetic degeneration', 'natural sexual desire among close kin', 'natural sexual aversion to close kin', and 'prevents in-marrying to create exchange and alliance'. Studying kinship, through systematic field research was made possible by two Undergraduate Research Experience Program Grants (6th and 9th cycles), generated data challenging these views. The data show Qatari culture providing solutions to societal paradoxes, whereby non-fertile women desiring children cannot simply 'adopt' them, they instead use distinctively Qatari kinship transformational mechanisms - suckling practices. This is demonstrated by live cases, revealing formal and practical features characterizing Qatari culture, with implications for theory and Qatar's future vision. METHODS: To understand human phenomena and sociocultural life, social science methodology combines multiple data collection techniques. This project used qualitative methods in a process of inquiry seeking in-depth information situating behavior in social/cultural setting, using various procedures: observation (participant/non-participant), interviewing (structured/open-ended), visual methods (still/moving pictures). To elicit kin terms of consanguinity, affinity and suckling, the team used open-ended interviews, chart-elicitation questionnaires, discussed in weekly educational seminars. Seventy consanguineal kinship charts, sixty-five affinal kin charts were used as elicitation 'models', whereas gathering suckling data was by in-depth interviews - 36 primary cases with derivative sub-cases. RESULTS: This project generated original data and theoretical insights. It improved learning outcomes in sociology by mentored junior colleagues, and led to Qatarization, training a QU female sociology student, subsequently admitted (as a first in Qatar) into a doctorate program in the US for sociological methods. CONCLUSIONS: * Suckling is kinship, like consanguinity and affinity, religiously sanctioned, socially approved mechanism for kin incorporation * Adoption does not legitimately turn strangers into kin * Suckling creates incest taboo, removing the need for avoidance ritual and behavior. * Suckling has transformational qualities, restructuring kinship. * Incest taboo and alliance theories are challenged * Presumed cousin marriages may not be biological
Public understanding of genetics and risk in Qatar: an anthropological investigation
المؤلفون: Susie Kilshaw and Fouad AlshabanBackground & Objectives: Our research investigates the social implications of genetic knowledge in Qatar. Specifically, a social and cultural context for the specific interface between consanguinity and genetic risk is the focus. Genetic disorders are particularly significant in the Gulf region and the Middle East because of marriage among close relatives, which is a risk factor for genetic disorders. We are focusing on the way in which genetic knowledge is being negotiated and communicated in the region and on popular understandings of genetics and risk. Thus, this research will aim to map the perception of risk in Qatar. Medical anthropology has shown the way illness and illness beliefs are shaped by culture. We consider the way that new medical information is interpreted along the backdrop of previously held cultural notions. New medical technologies are not transferred into cultural "voids" when they reach disparate societies. Prior ideas about kinship, reproduction and the causes of illness are likely to influence the way people interpret and negotiate genetic information. We investigate the meanings that are attached to the practice of genetic technologies and practice. Methods: This research uses the approach and methods of medical anthropology. Ethnographic methods provide an in-depth understanding of how genetic information is being developed and understood in Qatar. Our main method is semi-structured interviews. Anthropological methods are particularly appropriate for providing insight into the issue of perceptions of genetics as they will provide a means to developed a nuanced and layered understanding of the issue. Results: As the project is ongoing, we can only comment on preliminary findings. Qataris interviewed are aware of the discourse of genetics, but are actively involved in negotiating different arenas of risk. They are weighing up and engaging with risks such as those arising from environment: i.e. pollution, dust, nutrition. Our participants were aware of potential risks of consanguinity, but were balancing these with other concerns: such as the social risks of not marrying in the family. Conclusions: At this stage it is too early to comment on firm conclusions, but we are confident that our research is producing some nuanced and interesting data.
Social and economic impacts on the Gulf region in general and Qatar in particular of the expected energy independence of the western hemisphere
المؤلفون: Remi PietRecent projections for energy production on the American continent (from Canada to South America) are suggesting potential energy independence for the western hemisphere in the next fifteen years. The very large, newly found, oil reserves (mainly off the coast of Brazil), the technological progresses (allowing for the safe exploitation of tar sands in Canada) and the natural gas potential of shale gas in North America are changing the energy equation on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. What has been historically the Gulf region's main customer of hydrocarbon is likely to significantly decrease its import in the near future. Although other emerging regions (India, China, Africa) should make up for this loss in the short term, the global efforts to mitigate climate change are bound to encourage natural gas consumption over oil. GCC countries will thus face a strong challenge to diversify their customer networks and adapt their energy mix production - drifting away from oil towards natural gas and renewables. Each of the GCC countries will face different challenges, depending on their resource endowment and infrastructure network. This research aims at analyzing the potential domestic impact of this new scarcity of demand. Each country in the Gulf region has developed a unique set of domestic institutions and economic structures whose resilience will be challenged. This research implements comparative politics, theories and lenses, especially Thomas G. Moore's framework of analysis assessing the state's capacity to absorb external shocks and issue national responses for economic adjustment. It also reverses the argument developed by Ikenberry on European and American countries comparative economic responses to the oil shock in the 1970s. The objective of this study is to inform Gulf countries' governments of the best original set of proactive policies and reforms that need to be adopted to ensure sustainable development, social progress, political stability and post-oil economic transition.
Massive increase of national intelligence in Qatar 2000-2011
المؤلفون: Omar Haroon Khaleefa, Alanood Al-Thani and Hatim WarragThis study explores the secular increase of national intelligence in Qatar (Flynn effect) between the periods 2000-2011 by using the Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) that was standardized on a representative sample of 1135 participants from Doha area, to age group 6-11.6 year olds (males N=517, females N=618). The SPM was administered in 2011 to a representative sample of 1003 (males, N=469; females N=534) of the same age and in the same region. The 2011 study showed that IQ is normally distributed in Qatar. The percentage of children with high ability (1.6%), the intelligent participants (8%), above average (20.4%), average (46.5%), below average (15%), borderline (6.4%) and mentally handicapped (2.1%). Furthermore, the study showed that younger children (6 to 9.6 year olds) obtained very high IQ (104.37 points), however, older children (10 to 11.6 year olds) obtained lower levels (95.73 points). With adjustment to Flynn effect, the smart fraction in Qatar at 95% obtained an IQ of 117.8, while the non smart fraction at 5% obtained an IQ of 58.3 points. The most remarkable finding of the study is that the national intelligence has been increasing in Qatar by 11.25 points in 11 years from 2000 to 2011. The rate of increase per decade and generation was 10.22 and 30.66 points, respectively. Children in Qatar were responsible for one of the largest levels of increase of IQ in the world. The increase in rate of intelligence per decade in some economically developed countries like Britain was 2 points, USA and most European countries 3 points, Israel 6.2 points, Korea, 7.7 points and Japan 7.7 points. Additionally, Qatari children obtained the highest scores of intelligence in the Arab world without adjustment (101 points) and with adjustment (90 points) to Flynn effect. This result showed that the calculation of Lynn and Vanhanen for the IQ scores in Qatar is incorrect. Finally, 10 assumptions as possible causes for the increase of national intelligence need to be investigated by scientists and intelligence tests such as WPPSI, WISC and SPM+ need to be adapted in Qatar.
Beyond exceptionalism: Is a common history possible?
المؤلفون: Amira SonbolThis paper is about finding common values among what appear to be different and competitive cultures. While recent international conflicts present a picture of a clash of civilizations rooted in past history and present differences, the historical evidence actually leads to other narratives. Social and cultural history in particular, allows for a reorganization of knowledge that allows for the diffusion of culture and the production of common traditions. Rather than accept a world divided by historical narratives that allow for exceptionalism and difference, the paper proposes a shift by which common histories based on process and diffusion of culture be attempted. It proceeds to do so at the level of legal history taking specific examples to illustrate the development of law from and to different parts of the world and different periods to bring about contemporary laws that seem to be in total variance one from the other. The intent is to illustrate that by sifting through sources and comparing specificities of history of various geographical regions and historical periods, pausing new questions and reconceptualizing human relations, that in fact we can move the agenda ahead to show where cultures meet and where they differ thereby allowing for greater and different discourses of understanding and affinity.
Sociolinguistics of social class in globalized Qatar: Residents' self-reflections
المؤلفون: Irene TheodoropoulouThis is a sociocultural linguistic study on the ways whereby language is used by residents, both natives and expats, of Qatar, a highly globalized country in the Gulf area. The motivation for this study is Arabic sociolinguist Reem Bassiouney's observation that issues of social stratification and how the latter is reflected on language in the Arab world, and most prominently in the Gulf countries, are under-researched. Against this backdrop and trying to fill in this gap, the described methodology combines linguistic ethnography with research on archives and books describing issues of social organization relevant to contemporary Qatari society. Linguistic ethnography is seen as 'a method of social research, [which] seeks to capture and understand the meanings and dynamics in particular cultural settings'. My study includes data from ethnographic interviews with 3 people, one Qatari, one Italian and one Indian, who have been working in Qatar for at least six months (in this way, they are familiar with the (working) context of the country). The questions used in the interviews focus on the participants' (socio)linguistic choices, lifestyle choices, ideologies, beliefs, and values. It is argued that social class, at the level of people's self-reflections is constructed via sociolinguistic upscaling, namely by alluding to higher-order scales, which create social norms and are thus associated with power. Such an upscaling is further argued to index upward mobility. What this means is that higher orders tend to be more abstract, hence more powerful, exactly because they are associated with rules and norms of the society. In a nutshell, the basic finding in this study is that upward mobility in class consciousness takes place sociolinguistically by alluding to power via upscaling. Finally, the overarching argument put forward is that globalization tends to metamorphose the very essence of social class, as it renders it mobile, in constant flux, and eventually a new system consisting of resemiotized identity units. The findings will appeal to both linguists and sociologists working in and on Qatar.
Influence of Ramadan on demand analysis of trauma related surgical activities and hospital resource services: An institution experience in the Middle East.
المؤلفون: Ruben Peralta, P. Kannan and F. BadriBackground and Objectives: To examine the utilization of critical hospital resources: bed utilization, operating room activities, median length of stay (LOS) during the month of Ramadan at a major tertiary trauma center in the Middle East. Methods: Consecutive trauma admissions requiring major surgical operative interventions at the Rashid Hospital Trauma Center (RHTC) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates during the month of June in 2008 and September (Ramadan) in 2008 were reviewed. Data extracted from the hospital's theatre registry and medical records were analyzed. Resources utilization of all operative trauma cases admitted to the hospital were correlated with the overall injury status of the patients based on the Injury Severity Score (ISS) and the Revised Trauma Score (RTS). Results: There were 1647 surgical procedures performed in 939 trauma patients who underwent surgical interventions during the study period, showing no significant change in Operating Room volume activities. The data indicates an increase in length of stay per ISS in the month of Ramadan. Of more significance, the data demonstrates a 68 % increase in occupied beds days despite no significant increase in patient volume during the month of Ramadan in comparison with the month of June. Conclusions: During the month of Ramadan, there has been an increase in consumption of hospital resources in terms of bed stays in particular with minor and moderate injuries ISS 1-8, and 9-15. Trauma related surgical procedures were not statistically increased during the month of Ramadan. The RHTC median LOS by ISS is more than doubled than the National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB) during Ramadan, resulting in unnecessary consumption of valuable resources. Unnecessary hospital stay increases risk of further complications to patients, resulting in further delays in discharge.
Poverty, morality and the urban poor: Understanding strategies of action in the Middle East
المؤلفون: Manata HashemiIn recent decades, scholars of the Middle East have observed the activism of the Middle Eastern poor in response to conditions of increasing economic deprivation and social marginalization. Much of the work has exclusively focused on the poor's reactive acts of political agency. Surprisingly little is understood, with any empirical leverage, about the mechanisms involved in leading poor individuals to adopt the decisions and strategies that they do. A large part of the puzzle is the role of culture, which some have touched upon, but few have studied systematically. Poor people in the Middle East, so these researchers infer, are aware that they have become increasingly excluded under the new global market economy and so resist its effects by reasserting their power within extended family and community networks or maximizing their economic interests by engaging in petty unlawful practices. However, current approaches can neither show patterned differences in the ways that poor people in the region think and react to their social worlds nor can they provide explanations of how culturally-based motivators inform how the poor move in their pursuits. This article addresses these shortcomings by systematically examining the role that cultural factors play in shaping poor young people's particular choices and decisions. It relies on two years of ethnographic fieldwork among poor young men and women in two urban capitals in Iran in order to show how poor youth manage their everyday lives and attempt to move forward. In so doing, it is shown that in order to understand poor young people's preferences for undertaking certain actions over others, we must place their choices within a larger moral universe that is guided by their conceptions of good and bad. In this moral universe, the moral codes of honor and work provide both guidelines and an evaluative code for individual initiative and conduct. It is suggested that current perspectives should incorporate the role of moral systems and reassess the relationship between poverty and behavior in the region.
إدمان الانترنت: دراسة ميدانية بين مستخدمي الانترت في قطر
المؤلفون: Layachi Anserأدى التقدم التكنولوجي السريع إلى التوسع في استخدام شبكة الانترنت بشكل غير مسبوق، وأصبح باستطاعة الفرد أينما كان الاستفادة من خدماتها المتعددة والمتنوعة. لقد أضحت الانترنت وسيلة الاتصال الأسرع انتشارا والأقوى تأثيرا في المجتمعات الحديثة، وأتاحت فرص الإطلاع على الأحداث والأخبار لحظة وقوعها وأصبح التعليق على الأفكار والمدونات والمشاركة في المنتديات أحداثا يومية وعادية. إن الاستخدام الواسع للانترنت له جوانب كثيرة إيجابية، ولكنه مثل كل شيء آخر يتضمن جوانب سلبية عديدة. تتناول هذه الدراسة واحدا من تلك الجوانب السلبية ممثلا في الاستخدام المفرط للانترنت الذي يعتبر شكلا من أشكال السلوك الإدماني، وتهدف الدراسة أيضا إلى كشف التأثيرات المتعددة لهذا السلوك سواء على العلاقات والتواصل الاجتماعي، أو على الصحة النفسية والجسدية للمستخدمين. من هذا المنطلق تأتي أهمية القيام بدراسة مسحية للتعرف بدقة أكبر على هذا السلوك، في محاولة للإجابة على مجموعة من التساؤلات الرئيسية تتعلق بحجم الوقت المخصص لاستخدام الانترنت ومجالات الاستخدام. وقد اعتمدت الدراسة على أسلوب المسح بالعينة لمجموعة من مستخدمي الانترنت بلغت 1063 مفردة شملت طلاب المدارس والجامعة وعامة الجمهور، بالإضافة إلى إجراء مقابلات معمقة مع عينة مستهدفة من المستخدمين الذين يستخدمون الانترنت بشكل مفرط. وهو ما سمح بالتوصل إلى مجموعة من النتائج التي تسلط الضوء على هذه الظاهرة في المجتمع القطري. من أهم تلك النتائج التعرف على الخصائص العامة لمستخدمي الانترنت من حيث النوع والعمر والجنسية ومستوى التعليم والوضعية المهنية، ثم معرفة النمط العام لاستخدام الانترنت من حيث حجم الوقت المخصص لها، وأكثر الأماكن والأوقات والوسائل المستعملة للتشبيك، والكشف عن مجموعة من مؤشرات "الإدمان" أو الاستخدام المفرط للانترنت، فضلا عن التعرف على بعض العوامل المساعدة على ذلك، وأخيرا توضيح التأثيرات الناتجة عن الإفراط باستخدام الانترنت سواء على التواصل والعلاقات الاجتماعية، أو على الصحة النفسية والجسدية للمستخدمين. وينبغي التنويه أن الدراسة لم تكتفي بالكشف عن مجموعة من الحقائق والمعارف النظرية المتعلقة بحجم انتشار السلوك وخصائص المستخدمين فحسب، بل سمحت أيضا بصياغة مجموعة من المقترحات والتوصيات التي تساعد الجهات المعنية مثل مركز التأهيل الاجتماعي على وضع برامج للوقاية والعلاج وإعادة التأهيل، هدفها مساعدة المستخدمين على التخلص من هذا النوع من السلوك الإدماني، وحماية المجتمع من بعض الآثار السلبية المرتبطة بإساءة استخدام التكنولوجيات الجديدة.
Wisdom and reasoning between the ideological dimension and the dimension Makassed
المؤلفون: Hossam Khalil Mohammedإثبات حكمة الله تعالى وتعليل أفعاله وأحكامه بالمصالح من أجلّ المسائل العقدية المتعلقة بالتوحيد إذ بها تظهر حكمة الله تعالى وعظمته ورحمته بعباده. كما أنها ضرورة ملحة لفهم الكتاب والسنة واستلهام هديهما، إذ لا يتأتي ذلك إلا بإدراك أن لكل فعل من أفعاله وحكم من أحكامه غاية يحققها وحكمة يعمل لإيجادها ومقصداً وهدفاً يقصده ويستهدفه لتحقيق مصلحة الإنسان أو دفع مفسدة عنه ، ومن هنا كان ارتباط الحكمة والتعليل بالبعد المقاصدي للشريعة ارتباط الروح بالجسد والأصل بالفرع ولعل هذا ما حدا الإمام الشاطبي أن يستفتح القسم الذي خصصه للمقاصد بالبحث في مسألة التعليل والإنكار على الإمام الفخر الرازي قوله بأن أفعال الله تعالى وأحكامه ليست معللة . والقول بتعليل أفعال الله وأحكامه لازم لإثبات محاسن الشريعة المطهرة وتنزيهها ودعوة الناس إليها كما أنه أيضا ضروري لقطع الملحدين ورد شبههم عن الإسلام ،وفي هذا يقول العلامة صدر الشريعة: ( وما أبعد عن الحق قول من قال : إنها غير معللة ؛ فإن بعثة الأنبياء عليهم الصلاة والسلام لاهتداء الخلق ، وإظهار المعجزات لتصديقهم ، فمن أنكر التعليل فقد أنكر النبوة ..) ، وللأسف قد وقع خلاف كبير بين علماء الأمة في إثبات الحكمة والتعليل ، ولزم من ذلك إنكار مقاصدية الشريعة في حق من نفى الحكمة والتعليل ، لأجل هذا أحببت أن أدلي بدلوي في كتابة هذا البحث المتواضع في هذا الموضوع الهام، قاصداً إثبات الحكمة والتعليل في أفعال الله وأحكامه كقضية عقدية وما يلزم من ذلك من وجوب الإيمان بمقاصدية الشريعة المطهرة مع بيان طرق ومسالك استنباط المقاصد من الحِكَم والعلل االجزئية . خطة البحث : قد قسمت هذا البحث إلى مباحث : المبحث الأول : الحكمة والتعليل ومقاصد التشريع بين اللغة والاصطلاح . المبحث الثاني : الخلاف في تعليل أحكام الله تعالى وأفعاله ويتضمن خمسة مطالب : المطلب الأول : أثر التحسين والتقبيح العقلي في الاختلاف في الحكمة والتعليل. المطلب الثاني : الأقوال في الحكمة والتعليل . المطلب الثالث : أدلة الأقوال . المطلب الرابع : الترجيح . المطلب الخامس : ثمرة الخلاف . المبحث الثالث : الحكمة والتعليل والبعد المقاصدي ويتضمن مطلبين : المطلب الأول : الإيمان بمقاصدية الشريعة . المطلب الثاني : طرق ومسالك إثبات مقاصد الشريعة من الحكم والعلل . خاتمة: وسجلت فيها أهم نتائج البحث.
بحث تفعيل دور التعليم المهنيَ في قطر
المؤلفون: Nisreen Mohammad Abunada, منى بابتي and منى النعيميبحث تفعيل دور التعليم المهنيَ في قطر المقدمة يعرف العالم منذ عقود توجهًا جديدًا في مجال التَعليم التَقني ، حيث أصبحت الدَول و المنظمات ترصد إمكانيات ضخمة ، إيمانًا منها بأهميته في التقليل من ظاهرة البطالة واعتناءه بالعنصر البشري و تطوير قدراته ، إسهامًا في التنمية ،و توفيرًا لفرص النَجاح للجميع وتحقيق رؤية قطر 2030. الأهداف : 1)الاستثمار الأمثل للرأسمال البشري. 2)مساعدة الشباب على اختيار مستقبلها المهني ،وتقديم المعلومات عن مجالات الدراسة المهنية وعلاقتها بوظيفة المستقبل في ضوء خطة التنمية القطرية . 3)تفعيل دور المدارس وإشراكها في تأهيل البنية التحتية للتعليم المهني . 4)التقليل من نسبة البطالة من خلال ابراز الوظائف المهنية كحل حقيقي للأزمة، ومتنفس للأفراد. 5)المساهمة في القضاء على ظاهرة التسرب بين الطلاب الاكاديميين . منهج البحث : نعتمد المنهج الوصفي والمنهج التاريخي ، أما الابواب هي: التعليم بين الماضي والحاضر : تقديم فكرة مفصلة عن واقع التعليم المهني في قطر . كيف نطور التعليم المهني ؟: تقديم دراسة عن كيفية استثمار الموارد البشرية ،وتطوير قدراتها ، تثقيفها مهنيًا . تجربة رائدة :- تقديم صورة واقعية مبنية على الزيارات والاستبيانات في قطر . -تقديم حلول مبنية على تجارب رائدة . الدراسات المقارنة : دراسة العلاقات المتبادلة بين المتغيرات ، والبناء على النظريات الناجحة في البلدان المتقدمة . كل باب مقسَم الى فصلين النتائج : 1-تحقيق اقتصاد وطني متنوع المصادر ذو قدرة تنافسية عالية. 2-تحقيق التنمية القائمة على التقنية الحديثة في التعليم. 3-استثمار الرأسمال البشري , القائم على ثقافة الكفاءة والجودة. 4-القضاء على ظواهر التسرب المدرسي والبطالة . 5-نشر ثقافة التعليم المهني . التوصيات 1.توعية الشباب وأولياءهم والمدارس من خلال الدورات للمدارس. 2.تبصير الشباب بالتخصصات المهنية ، متطلباتها لتمكينهم من المواءمة مع قدراتهم . 3.تقديم الاستشارات الوظيفية وتأمين فرص العمل لخريجي المدارس الفنية . 4.تكثيف الحملات الاعلانية لرفع مستواه وتخريج العمالة الماهرة . 5.إيجاد حوافز للشباب لبناء نموذج قوي من التعليم المهني. 6.التركيز علي دور الفتيات في الأعمال المهنية . 7.تأمين فرص تدريب خارج وداخل قطر ،وزيادة الحوافز للانخراط في العمل المهني . 8.توفير الأمان المهني من خلال تفعيل دور المدارس ، واشراكها في عملية تأهيل بنية أساسية ، والتعاون مع المؤسسات لإظهار أهمية دور الفنيين . 9.تبني التوصيات من قبل الدولة تعتمد استراتيجيات التطوير المهني.
بحث ادارة استراتيجيات التفوق البشري لأطفال الربيع العربي
المؤلفون: منى علي بابتيبحث ادارة استراتيجيات التفوق البشري لأطفال الربيع العربي المقدمة تعد قطر من الدول الرائدة في مجال إعانة شعوب الرَبيع العربي مادياً وسياسياً ، وكون الطفل العربي المحور الأساسي لربيع يزهر علماً ،فكراً ، سلاماً ، ارتأينا أن ندعم الطفل العربي ذهنيًا بإقامة مركز خاص يشرف على تطبيق مشروع الاتساق الذهنيَ ، نعمل من خلاله على ادارة استراتيجيات التفوق البشري لبناء شخصيتهم المتوازنة ومساعدتهم على تجاوز الصَعوبات ، فبناء الفكر البشريَ السَليم في ظل هذه المتغيرات يساهم في خلق آفاق عربية سليمة. الأهداف : 1)فتح المقر الإداريَ لأول مركز تنمويَ ثقافيَ فكريَ تدريبيَ متخصَص للفئات العمرية من 6-14 في العالم العربي . 2)تنفيذ 30 برنامج تدريبيَ للأطفال عبر الجمعيات المشرفة ،يعتمد منهج تدريبيَ نفسيَ ،اجتماعيَ، علاجيَ وفكريَ ، وإعادة برمجة الأطفال على استعمال استراتيجيات الدماغ المتقدمة في أنماط التفكير، الإبداع و القيادة . 3)تقديم استشارات و برامج متخصصة للمراكز المشرفة على الأطفال . 4) تأهيل 30 مدرب من كافة الجمعيات ، للمشاركة في تعميم الأثر المباشر. 5)فتح موقع الكتروني يقدم مساهمات لكل المراكز العربية عبر العالم بمشاركة كفاءات المراكز . منهج البحث : نعتمد المنهج الوصفي ، أمَا الابواب هي: أ.معايير إدارة التفوق البشري : 1-انارة العقل . 2-تخلص من قيودك. 3-الليونة العقلية والجلد الذهني 4-الرؤية بعين الحق 5-الهدنة مع الذات 6-الاتساق النفسي والعقلي . 7-استراتيجيات التفوق العقلي . ب.منظومة إدارة البرامج العقلية : 1-مختبر إدارة الذات. 2-مختبر إدارة العقل. 3-تحرر. 4-التغلب على الصعوبات. ج. بناء الهوية التكوينية. النتائج : 1-توظيف هذه الأساليب لتوفير فرص أفضل لحياة كريمة ، آمنة تتوافق وتطلعات الأمم السَاعية للتقدم . 2-اكسابهم استراتيجيات التفوَق البشريَ القائم على السَلام والتَعاون البناء بين الجميع 3-غرس المواطنة الصَادقة عند الأطفال . 4-تأهيل قيادات الألفية الثالثة الإيجابيَة 5-استثمار الرأسمال الفكري البشري 6-نشر ثقافة السَلام والقضاء على التطرف . التوصيات 1.توعية المجتمع لأهمية التعليم الذهني ،وتطوير القدرات العقلية والنفسية لبناء الشخصية المتكاملة من خلال الدَورات . 2.تبصير المؤسسات والمراكز التطوعية باستراتيجيات التفوَق البشري وكيفية ادارته . 3.تقديم الاستشارات المتخصصة للعاملين في المراكز التطوعية والخيرية . 4.تكثيف الحملات الإعلانية للتعريف بالبرنامج . 5.إقامة شراكات واتفاقات مع المراكز القطرية التطوعية الخيرية ،لبناء نموذج قوي لادارة المشروع من و في قطر .
The chief financial officer of the 21st century
المؤلفون: John Chibaya MbuyaOver the past fifty years, the role of the chief financial officer has evolved from that of an accountant to that of strategist and business partner. This past decade has seen important research conducted into the evolving role of the CFO by organisations in the United States of America, Canada, Australia, South Africa,The Arab World and New Zealand, as well by the International Federation of Accountants. By 2007, the issue of whether the role of the CFO in South Africa had evolved (and, if so, how) had not yet been researched by the accounting profession. In late 2007, the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants embarked on such a research project entitled "The CFO of the future". This paper is a process report for phase 1 of the research. The purpose of this process report is fourfold. Firstly, it provides the background to the research project. Secondly, the paper reflects on other important studies conducted into the changing role of the CFO. The paper then presents a new model of the different roles that a CFO could play in corporate South Africa so as to categorise the focus areas that CFOs could address now and in the future. Lastly, the paper explains how the model was used to prepare a questionnaire sent to CFOs of the Top 40 companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange Limited based on market capitalisation. This questionnaire was sent on behalf on the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants as a research tool used to elicit the views of business leaders at the top of the corporate ladder. The process followed and response rate achieved are also reflected upon.
Social integration between Qataris and expatriates
Qatari society is witnessing an increase in cultural diversity due to a large number of immigrants from different cultures. This cultural diversity may create a kind of cultural isolation between non-Qataris and Qatari people. International migration has led to diverse and plural cultural identities and ethnic groups in the same society. Studies have shown that immigrants face problems of adaptation to, and integration with, the culture in the communities to which they migrate. This study aims to identify the degree of social integration between expatriates and Qataris Methodology: This study used a focus group (14 focus groups, total of 65 participants from different nationalities) with an open-ended question. By using convenience and snowball sampling techniques Results: The primary arenas of interaction between Qatari and non-Qatari were in work/educational contexts. For example, participants from all groups revealed that while they have good working relationships with Qataris (or expatriates), these relationships remain in the public sphere at work or school and generally do not extend beyond these boundaries. Barriers to Integration: Language: Considered as the major barrier by most expatriates to relationship with Qataris. Culture diversity: Foreigners who share an important identity such as religion (e.g., Muslims, Arabs) are more able to make relationship with Qatari people and more likely to assimilate into Qatari society. Transient nature of expatriates: Most expatriates come to Qatar on 2-4 year work visas. This was mentioned as a barrier to social integration by both expatriates and Qataris. Appearance of Qataris: The national dress is worn by most Qatari men and women, and several focus groups mentioned that this attire can be intimidating and act as a barrier to casual interactions. Security and lack of security: While the expatriates expressed comfort and a sense of security in Qatar, the nationals showed lack of security. Conclusions: The results showed some manifestations and causes of cultural isolation between Qataris and expatriates. It showed that immigrants who come to work in Qatar faced difficulties in communicating with the Qatari people.
Mental health issues among migrant workers in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries: Literature review and case illustrations.
المؤلفون: Maha Al-Ghafry, Marwa Saleh and Ziad KronfolBackground and Objectives: It is well established from the European and North American literature that migration has a great impact on the mental health of the migrant population. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states are home to more than 13 million non-nationals, yet the mental health status and psychological well-being of this large population has rarely been investigated. The majority of migrants are blue collar or domestic workers coming from the Indian subcontinent and southeast Asia. There are isolated reports of psychosis and/or suicide among this 'at risk' population, but no reliable data are available. For this reason, we decided to conduct a systematic search of the literature to review the epidemiology and characteristics of the mental health issues of the migrant workers in the GCC countries. Methods: The literature search was conducted in both English and Arabic. The English search consisted of various words and combinations including migrant worker, domestic worker, mental health, Middle East, GCC countries and the six countries contributing the majority of the migrants to the GCC (India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Philippines, and Indonesia). The search was conducted mainly in databases for academic journal articles such as PubMed, Scopus, PsycInfo and Google Scholar. Also, for each of the six migrant countries of origin identified, a search through the country's own medical and psychiatric journals was performed. The Arabic search was carried out on using the aforementioned combinations in the English literature. Results: Our literature search revealed very little regarding the mental health of migrant workers in GCC countries. The available literature consisted mostly of theoretical presentations or isolated clinical reports. There was a suggestion of an increased rate of psychosis and suicidal attempts. Vey few systematic and/or quantitative studies have ever been published. We therefore present a series of brief clinical vignettes to illustrate the scope of the problem. Conclusion: The lack of available published data regarding the mental health status of migrant workers in the GCC countries is somewhat surprising. We discuss possible reasons for underreporting and present steps to be taken to address this important issue.
A study on the approach of raising the academic level of the State of Qatar through the implementation of bilingual education.
المؤلفون: Mariam Ali BahameishBilingual education was introduced to Qatar schools several years ago in order to achieve Qatar's National Vision of 2030. The main purpose of the research is to provide a clear image of education in Qatar and show how bilingualism affects the country academically. The term 'bilingualism', in its simplest definition, is knowing two different languages based on competency in four skill areas; understanding, speaking, reading and writing. Therefore, bilingual education in Qatar refers to the use of secondary language in schools for teaching certain subjects. The design of the study is based on a comparison between the academic improvements of graduated students from independent and government schools. The data was collected by questionnaire surveys of 40 undergraduate students from both schools to evaluate the level of education they have gained and the problems they have faced in university. Moreover, a survey was distributed among teachers and parents to discover their experiences with bilingualism. In addition, for data collection, statistics from the Supreme Education Council website was used to get an overview of the level of independent schools. In the beginning, the idea of implementing bilingual education in schools was not accepted by students, teachers and parents, because they found some difficulties adapting to the English language. It resulted in low scores in science and mathematics courses; thus, students faced some problems in the admission requirements for Qatar University. On the other hand, the students' level in English has risen noticeably. Moreover, there was an argument that bilingual education may affect the Islamic religion and Arabic culture, but the parents' survey showed that there is no major effect under the SEC supervision. Despite all the obstacles, the SEC is working on several strategies to overcome the problems by strengthening the level of teaching and teachers to deliver the correct information to the students. From this study, it can be concluded that the usage of English language in Qatar schools has a great impact on the society. Therefore, in the near future, by raising the education level, Qatar will achieve public welfare, high standards of living and significant academic performance.
How do school leaders' perceptions of 'Education for a New Era' affect the implementation of the reform in primary schools in Qatar?
المؤلفون: Asma Essa AlfadalaBackground & Objectives: In 2001, Qatar began a comprehensive education reform (Education for a New Era) based on RAND's recommendations for building an educational system that would meet the country's changing needs. The reform introduced innovation into the country's education system, including a standards-based curriculum, professional development programmes for teachers and for leaders, and a new system for assessment. One aspect of the reform was the introduction of the National Professional Standards (NPS), which have had a significant impact on school leaders' roles. As a recent two-year study conducted by the RAND Corporation in 2007 states, despite the many positive effects of the reform, more change is needed to support schools and teachers. School leaders are currently facing challenges in their role of leading and managing the school community. The school model in Qatar, post-reform, has increased both autonomy and accountability for leaders. The objective of this study is to explore the perceptions of school leaders in Qatar. The prime reason underlying the focus on leaders' perceptions is that leaders are at the heart of any educational change. Methods: This study follows a qualitative method using initial interviews, observation and in-depth interviews in four primary schools in Qatar. The participants are the senior managers in each school. Preliminary Results: School leaders believed that working in a school under the reform was better than the rigid approach they had experienced in Ministry of Education schools. They expressed the view that while the NPS offered advantages, it nevertheless lacked clarity and left them to rely on their own skills when it came to implementation. More importantly, there were few guidelines from the SEC to implement the NPS more effectively. It was also discovered that how leaders perceived the change affected its implementation. These perceptions ranged from total awareness to lack of sufficient knowledge of the new policy. The school leaders exhibited a very positive opinion towards the reform. However, some of the leaders expressed a need for more training on how to lead their team better.
How to treat diabetes in Arabs: A rational approach based upon the pathogenesis of the disease
المؤلفون: Muhammad Abdul-Ghani, Ralph DeFronzo, Mahmoud Zirie, Amin Jayyousi and Abdul-Bari BenerBackground and Aims: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a complex disease with multiple metabolic defects including insulin resistance and beta cell dysfunction. Although both insulin resistance and beta cell dysfunction are present in type 2 diabetic individuals in all ethnic groups, we previously have shown that the contribution of each abnormality to the deterioration of glucose homeostasis is ethnic dependent with the greatest role of beta cell dysfunction being in Arab individuals. In the present study, we compare the efficacy and safety of a novel therapeutic approach of initiating subjects with new onset T2DM on triple therapy with agents that correct the metabolic defects in T2DM (metformin/pioglitazone/exenatide) versus the American Diabetes Association guidelines (starting metformin and sequential addition of sulfonylurea and basal insulin) which are based upon the concept of lowering the plasma glucose concentration. Research Design and Methods: 133 new onset T2DM patients (age = 45±1 y; BMI=36±0.5; HbA1c = 8.8±0.1%; diabetes duration = 5.6±0.5 mo) were randomized to receive metformin (2000 mg/d), plus pioglitazone (45 mg/d), plus exenatide (10 micrograms BID) (triple therapy, n=64) or escalating doses of metformin (2000 mg/d), followed by sequential addition of sulfonylurea (glipizide, 20 mg/d) and basal insulin to maintain HbA1c <6.5 (conventional therapy, n = 69). Results: Subjects who received triple therapy, HbA1c decreased from 8.6 to 6.1% at 6 mo and to 6.0% at 24 mo, while in the conventional therapy, HbA1c declined to 6.2% at 6 mo and subsequently increased to 6.5% at 24 mo. Despite lower HbA1c, subjects in triple therapy arm experienced a 13.6-fold lower rate of hypoglycemia compared to subjects in conventional therapy arm. 14 of 66 (21%) of T2DM patients in the conventional therapy arm have required insulin therapy to maintain the target A1c value. Subjects in the triple therapy arm experienced mean weight loss of 1.2 kg compared to mean weight gain of 3.6 kg (p=0.02) in subjects in the conventional therapy arm. Conclusion: The present results demonstrate that antidiabetic therapy targeting the metabolic abnormalities responsible for hyperglycemia is more effective and safe than therapy simply aimed at lowering the plasma glucose concentration in T2DM.
Biochemical response and effects of bariatric surgeries on type 2 diabetes
Background and Objectives: Bariatric surgery has proved to be a powerful technique that not only induces drastic and long-lasting weight loss but, also resolves type 2 diabetes and potentially reverses diabetes-related diseases in morbidly obese patients. Extraordinarily, the remission of type 2 diabetes occurs long before any significant weight loss. The physiological and biochemical mechanisms underlying the astonishing impact of bariatric surgery on glucose homeostasis are, however, poorly understood. Our objective is to use mathematical modeling to try to better understand the mechanisms behind type 2 diabetes remission after bariatric surgery. Methods: A general mathematical method is proposed for estimating the biochemical response to pharmaceuticals, surgeries, or other medical interventions. This method is then applied in an extremely simple model of the response to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery and related procedures. Results and Conclusions: There are clearly multiple and quite complex effects of bariatric surgeries. The results of our model confirm that the remission of type 2 diabetes after bariatric surgery can be largely explained by the enhanced post-meal excretion of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), an incretin that increases insulin secretion and has been shown to increase proliferation and decrease apoptosis of pancreatic beta cells, but it also suggests that other mechanisms are likely to be involved, possibly including an additional insulin-independent pathway for glucose transport into cells.