Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Volume 2013 Issue 1
- تاريخ المؤتمر: 24-25 Nov 2013
- الموقع: Qatar National Convention Center (QNCC), Doha, Qatar
- رقم المجلد: 2013
- المنشور: ٢٠ نوفمبر ٢٠١٣
121 - 140 of 541 نتائج
The sidra tree: Profiling of proteins and small molecules using high resolution accurate mass protocols
المؤلفون: Morana JaganjacRepresenting the Qatar Foundation (QF) Logo, the Sidra tree (Ziziphus spina-christi -ZSC) is native to Qatar and grows wild in harsh and arid conditions. It serves as a symbol of perseverance, nourishment, solidarity, determination and perfection, encompassing the vision and mission of QF. Previous phytochemical investigation of the ZSC leaves and fruits has revealed a whole host of saponins, flavonoids and antioxidants present in both water and solvent crude extracts of components of the organism. These studies have not only demonstrated the presence of key potentially bioactive components but also the utility of these extracts as antimicrobial, antidiarrheal and antidiabetic agents. In the current study, both the profiling of proteins and characterization of small molecules in the leaves, fruits and seeds of the Sidra tree was undertaken using high-throughput protocols. Following pulverization under liquid nitrogen, proteins were extracted into aqueous buffer then precipitated using cold acetone with the supernatant reserved for further characterization of small molecules. Using HRAM MS and MS/MS. Protein profiling experiments were performed using Gelfree systems for mass separation of proteins into 12 fractions; these were later trypsin-digested for MS/MS analysis on the Orbitrap Elite system using CID (collision-induced dissociation) and HCD (High-energy collision dissociation) activation protocols. Peptides produce spectrum containing b- and y-ions permitting amino acid sequencing of these peptides; protein identification was subsequently achieved using SEQUEST and PEAKS Studio database search and de novo interpretation. This approach produced the first investigation of the proteome of the Sidra tree. Identification of small molecule bioactive components was achieved through high resolution accurate mass determination of the elemental composition and MS/MS high resolution confirmation of the compound structure. A dereplication mass list was configured citing components that have been identified elsewhere as well as the potential components that may be further confirmed through MSn analysis. This study reports many newly identified potentially bioactive compounds.
Nurse-led heart health clinic in a rural community
المؤلفون: Herbert JelinekAIMS Asymptomatic cardiac disease is present in a large proportion of individuals with generalised cardiovascular disease (CVD). Rural areas in Australia have a lack of health care services with the facilities to undertake a comprehensive community screening project. This study aimed to assess a nurse-led health screening initiative to determine the prevalence and incidence of asymptomatic heart disease using a custom ECG classification system. METHODS 508 people with and without a known history of cardiovascular disease were recruited through the local media and underwent a 12-lead ECG assessment. Using the ECG recordings, individuals were categorised into five classes based on necessity for review and treatment. RESULTS 14% of study participants reported an established history of CVD. 34% of attendees were identified as requiring referral to a general practitioner. These individuals underwent either by-pass surgery, commenced on cardiac medication or were advised on lifestyle changes. However, several more had their referral based on ECG assessment confirmed as appropriate but required no intervention. 4% of referrals were deemed not necessary by general practitioners. CONCLUSIONS The 12-lead ECG classification model as part of nurse-led CVD screening in a rural community, was shown to be a useful guide for referral of individuals to general practitioners for follow up. This model has the potential to improve quality of life by appropriate early referral to primary care practitioners, for follow-up.
MicroRNA-34a regulates diabetes-induced impaired angiogenesis: Role of SIRT1
المؤلفون: Gnanapragasam ArunachalamBackground: Diabetes, characterized by chronic elevation of blood glucose levels, is associated with impaired angiogenesis, vascular dysfunction and a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Recently, a novel class of small non-coding RNAs (miRNAs, single-stranded RNA molecules comprising 21-23 nucleotides in length) has been identified as important transcriptional/posttranscriptional regulators of gene expression and plays a critical role in the control of most biological processes, including cell differentiation and proliferation, migration, development, and apoptosis. In most cases, miRNAs function as translational repressors and/or activators that exert their action by partially pairing to one or more sequences in the 3'- un-translational regions (3'-UTRs) of target mRNA. Sirtuin-1 (SIRT1), NAD+-dependent deacetylase, has emerged as an important therapeutic target as it regulates various genes involved in endothelial differentiation, proliferation and angiogenesis. In-silico analysis supports the hypothesis that SIRT1 is a potential target of endothelial specific miRNAs. miR-34a has been recently found to target SIRT1 and reported to be critically involved in angiogenesis. In this study, we have investigated whether miR-34a regulates diabetes-induced impaired angiogenesis by targeting SIRT1 in mouse microvascular endothelial cells (MMECs). Results: Real-time PCR analysis reveals that exposure of MMECs to high glucose (HG) results in a significant increase in miR-34a expression and this induction paralleled and correlated with altered expression of SIRT1, eNOS (phospho/acetylation), makers of angiogenesis (VEGF, Ang-1, Ang-2, TSP-1) as well as a significant impairment of tube-forming activity. Interestingly, inhibition of miR-34a increased SIRT1 expression and attenuated changes in downstream signaling and impaired angiogenesis in HG-exposed MMECs. Conclusion: miR-34a, via the regulation of SIRT1 expression, has an anti-angiogenic action in microvascular endothelial cells. Thus, miR-34a may represent a new therapeutic target for the prevention/treatment of diabetic vascular disease and provide a potential miRNA-based mechanism for the regulation of angiogenesis. The project is supported by UREP 13-116-3-024
Impact of underlying coronary artery disease on the presentation symptoms and in-hospital outcome of patients with atrial fibrillation
المؤلفون: Amar SalamObjectives: Underlying coronary artery disease (CAD) is an established risk factor for the development of Atrial Fibrillation (AF). How underlying CAD affects symptoms and outcome of patients presenting with AF remains unknown. The aim of the current study was to evaluate how patients with established CAD as evidenced by a history of old myocardial infarction (OMI) differ in symptoms and outcome when hospitalized with AF in a real-world population. Methods: Retrospective analysis of prospective registry of all patients hospitalized with AF in Qatar from 1991 through 2010 was made. Patients were divided into two groups according to history of OMI on presentation. Clinical characteristics, symptoms of presentation and outcome were analyzed. Results: During the 20-years period, 3850 patients were hospitalized for AF; 417 (10.8%) had OMI on presentation while 3433 (89.2%) had no OMI. OMI patients were 11 years older, had more prevalence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, chronic kidney disease and had lower mean left ventricular ejection fraction on echocardiography (all, P value =0.001). Patients with OMI were significantly less likely to present with palpitations (25.7% versus 47.1%) and more likely to present with shortness of breath (36.9% vs. 26.7%) and chest pain (21.3% vs. 10.5%) compared to non-OMI patients (all, P value =0.001) [table]. The in-hospital mortality rate was significantly higher in patients with OMI (8.6% versus 3.6%; P value =0.001). Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that underlying CAD significantly affects the presentation symptoms and outcome of AF patients.
A rare case of de novo mosaic deletion 18p/ isochromosome 18q syndrome : Report and review of the literature
المؤلفون: Udayakumar AchandiraMonosomy 18p syndrome is a rare, 50-year-old chromosomal disorder with varying phenotypical clinical manifestations. Dysmorphism, growth delay, delayed speech and mental retardation are a few common features observed. The cytogenetic findings also vary in each case. It may occur just as a pure deletion of entire 18p arm or as deletion of partial 18p arm, if involved in a translocation with other chromosomes. It may either occur solely or along with structurally altered other chromosome 18, as a ring or an isochromosome. Studies suggest genotype-phenotype correlation, in relation to the locus of chromosomal breakpoint present on 18p with its clinical presentation. Often, the clinical presentation of this syndrome overlaps with other syndromes. Hence, establishing a cytogentic diagnosis is very crucial for precise management and follow up. Although there are earlier reports of cases with deletion of 18p alone, very few cases are reported with additional abnormalities particularly i(18q). There was only a single case report of a mosaic with del 18p/i(18q) three decades ago. We present here, the second report of a rare case with de novo mosaic - deletion 18p with isochromosome 18q, in a boy born to a consanguineous Arabic Omani couple with review of the literature.
قنوات الأطفال سبب رئيسي لزيادة معدل طيف التوحد الغير جيني والافضل منع الاطفال اقل من عامين للوقاية
المؤلفون: Mohammad Hassanبعد ان قمنا بتفسير جديد لطيف التوحد وعمل طريقة جديدة لعلاج طيف التوحد الغير جيني وهي العلاج عن طريق برمجة العقل والمشروحة في البحث الأول وهي باختصار وهي فرضية أن عقل الطفل عندما يولد يكون عقله محمل ببرنامج مكتسب من الجينات وضعه الخالق سبحانه وتعالى نصه انتبه الى ما هو مكرر انتبه الى المثيرات البصرية والسمعية ولكي يعمل هذا البرنامج يجب التفاعل مع الطفل لتحفيز عقل الطفل وخلاياه العصبية في حالة أن الطفل تم إهماله في الشهور الأولى أو أن الدماغ لم يحفز فيصبح اقل نشاطا في السنوات اللاحقة قمنا بوضع أسئلة لأهالي أطفال التوحد واتضح من إجابة الأسئلة من أهالي أطفال التوحد أن 80 في المية من الأطفال تعرضوا لإهمال غير مقصود بتركهم أمام قنوات الأطفال في العام الأول لفترة طويلة فيصبح الطفل يستقبل فقط يحدث كسل في التفكير بالكلام ويضعف الكلام حيث اكتساب اللغة تنتج من التفاعل مع الآخرين وليس من مشاهدة التلفزيون وتضعف حاسة اللمس والشم ويقل التفاعل في هذه اللحظة يتوقف العمر العقلي وللأسف قد يلاحظ أحد الوالدين أن الطفل تغير ولا يرد ولكن يستمروا في الخطأ - ويقولون أن الطفل صغير ويستمروا في إهمال الطفل بدون قصد ويوفروا له القناة إلى أن يبلغ الطفل عامان ويذهبون للطبيب ويقول لهم إن انتظروا إلى أن يبلغ الطفل عامه الثالث وهذا من اكبر الأخطاء حيث يجب أن يتم ملاحظة الطفل في العام الأول إذا لم يكن طبيعيا وتطوره البصري والذهني والسمعي والحسي غير طبيعي علينا بمعرفة السبب - وهو التلفزيون إذا كان طبيعي في أول 6 اشهر لانتا إذا تأخرنا وكان عمر الطفل العقلي متوقفا في العام الأول والعمر الزمني للطفل 3 سنوات فسوف يكون تعويض الفارق بين العمرين سيأخذ وقتا أطول وهو ما يثبت صحة افتراضية حدوث خلل في البرنامج التشغيلي لعقل الطفل *** التوصية منع الاطفال اقل من عامين لمشاهدة التلفزيون نهائيا وخاصة في العام الأول التفاعل مع الطفل قدر الإمكان بالصوت والحركة والابتسامة واللمس * . وجدت بحث في النت انه بعد تشغيل التلفزيون ب 30 ثانية تقوم الأجزاء المسؤولة عن التركيز في عقل الطفل بالانغلاق كذلك بحكم دراستي أن الصوت القادم من التلفزيون لا يشمل فقط الصوت المسموع ولكنه يشمل ما تحت السمعي من ترددات صغيرة وهي اقل من 20 ذبذبة في الثانية واعتقد إنها هي الأخطر لتلف خلايا الدماغ لدى الأطفال عند التعرض لها لمدة طويلة هذه الموجات التحت سمعية تستخدم في طرد الحيوانات وتستخدم في الطب للعلاج ولكنها لفترة زمنية قصيرة - مثل علاج الأوعية الدموية بالموجات تحت سمعية - ومنها ما يسبب إدمان لبعض الترددات مثل الرجل الذي يشعر بالراحة عند سماعه مقرئه المفضل أو مطربه المفضل ولان معظم قنوات الاطفال تعمل على تكرار الأغاني فلذلك يميل الطفل إليها ويحدث شبه إدمان لترددات الأغاني لذلك تجد الطفل لاستجيب لنداء والده ولكنه بمجرد تشغيل قناة ينجز باليها الطفل بسرعة حتى لو كان في غرفة أخرى ** توجد بعض رسائل الاهالي والتي معظمها تثبت ان الطفل تعرض لاهمال غير مقصود بتركه امام قنوات الاطفال وخاصة مع وجود خادمة لا تتكلم لغة الطفل وقد تكون الأم مشغولة بالعمل او بالحمل في اهم اشهر يحتاجها الطفل للتفاعل والتطور ويتضح أن قنوات الاطفال سبب رئيسي لزيادة معدل طيف التوحد
Collagen I: A potential therapeutic target for prostate cancer
المؤلفون: Eman SadounProstate cancer is the second most common malignancy in men worldwide. Advanced age is the greatest risk factor for prostate cancer in humans. Many studies have examined the influence of age on prostate cells. It has been noted that ageing alters both stromal and epithelial aged prostate cells' secretory profile, which is characterized by increased expression of inflammatory mediators, such as CXC chemokines. This has been attributed to a "senescent secretary phenotype" and is thought to contribute to both benign and malignant prostate diseases onset. However, much less is known as to how age affects the prostate matrix and its subsequent interactions with resident cells. Prostate matrix is primarily comprised of collagen I. Young and aged collagen differ in several physical parameters including decreased density, greater fragmentation, and increased disorganization in aged relative to young collagen I. The aim of this proposal is to investigate the underlying mechanisms that alter the local prostate environment in relation to the collagen matrix regulation of cancer cell behavior: both function and secretion. However, collagen matrices derived from prostate glands are not yet feasible and studies of the effect of aged mouse tissues on the behavior of human cancer cells are limited by the lack of compatible murine hosts, as immunodeficient mice do not live past middle age. Consequently, we will use young and aged collagen I obtained from young and aged mouse tail tendons and polymerized into a 3 dimensional (3D) matrix - a known simulation of aged collagen in vitro. We propose that aged 3D collagen I, relative to that of young collagen I, influences prostate cancer cells to decrease the expression of integrins that mediate cellular invasion. At the same time, we propose that aged collagen I increases the ability of prostate cancer cells to secrete chemokines that promote angiogenesis in the tumor microenvironment. We will utilize 3 human prostate cancer cell lines (LNCaP, LNCaPC4-2, and VCaP) that will be examined for the relative function of differentially expressed adhesion molecules during invasion through young and aged 3D collagen I. We will also examine the secretory profile of chemokines known to induce an invasive prostate cancer phenotype. This aged collagen I matrix will specifically elucidate cell-matrix interactions that can uncover potential therapeutic targets in prostate cancer.
The nutritional quality of grape leaves: Comparative study between leaves collected from arid and temperate regions in Palestine.
المؤلفون: Jamil Harb, Amanie Abed, Saeed Khaseeb and Bashar SaadGrape leaves are widely consumed in Palestine, and many Mediterranean countries. This food item is considered as a delicacy in many cultures, and most consumers consider it as also a healthy food. Accordingly, we started two years ago a study to assess the nutritional quality of leaves collected from two grape varieties, namely Shami and Baituni, which were collected from two regions, namely Dahria (considered as an arid region) and Beit Umar (considered as temperate region). Leaves were collected during spring time in three replicates and directly grinded to powder in liquid nitrogen. To assess the nutritional quality, leaf extract were tested as anticancer agent, and tested further for the total antioxidants potential. Moreover, leaf extracts were subjected to detailed analysis for active compounds using GC-MS and LC-MS. Results show that leaves from Shami grapes clearly inhibited the proliferation of lung cancer cells. Concerning the influence of cultivation area, Shami leaves from the temperate region (Beit Umar) proved to be more effective that those collected from Dahria (the arid region). In addition, leaves from Baituni grapes proved to be ineffective against lung cancer. In contrast, the GC-MS analyses of primary metabolites show that leaves of both grape varieties, which were collected from the arid region, contain higher levels of a large set of compounds including alanine, valine, isoleucine, proline, serine, threonine, uracil, sorbose, malitol, quercetin, and maltotriose. This dramatic increase in these compounds may be attributed to osmotic adjustment of plants to cope with drought stress prevailed in that region compared to the temperate region. The analyses for secondary metabolites and total antioxidants potential are closed and will be represented, in connection with changes in primary metabolites and anticancer activity of grape leave extracts. In conclusion, results clearly show that consumption of grape leaves is very healthy, and its consumption may contribute to Mediterranean diet by preventing the occurrence of severe diseases. Moreover, detailed analyses using GC-MS, and LC-MS may reveal the active compounds behind the health-promoting impact of grape leaves. Further purification of these compounds may allow for future usage of leaf extract of Shami grapes as natural pharmaceuticals.
Delayed sternal closure - initial clinical experience of a novel device developed in Qatar
المؤلفون: REYAZ LONEFollowing difficult cardiac surgery delayed sternal closure (DSC) is a recognized method of early post-operative management in patients with hemodynamic instability or severe coagulopathy . DSC is particularly useful in the paediatric & the neonatal age group due to a larger cardiac size relative to the thoracic cavity. The usefulness of DSC has led some centres to pursue the strategy as a preventive method to thwart low cardiac output either routinely or after specific procedures, e.g. Norwood I for hypoplastic left heart syndrome. METHODS OF ACHIEVING DSC: Basically the following three methods have been used: A): Keeping the sternum open without the usage of any mechanical device/strut This method has the obvious drawback of allowing an unstable sternum which compromises the ventilatory, nursing and Physiotherapy. Furthermore, the sternal edges may injure the right ventricle when the patient is moved. B): Solutions crafted in the operating room: Traditionally surgeons have used barrels of syringes or chest tubes to hand craft sternal stents for keeping the sternal edges apart. C): Specifically designed gadgets. There have been several attempts to design & produce sternal stents for DSC. However almost all of these gadgets have the clear design disadvantage of being bulky, encroaching upon and occupying the sub-sternal space. Keeping these deficiencies of the existing solutions for DSC in site, a simple sternal stent was developed, keeping the following objectives as design targets: 1)Allowance and provision of maximum sub-sternal space for oedematous myocardium to expand into. 2)Firm fixation to the sternal edges and restoration of the stability of the thoracic cage. 3)A design free of moving parts, joints, screws, hollow tubes and telescoping cylinders, thus avoiding blood trapping and increased risk of infection. 4)Low profile with minimal obstruction to the view of the anterior mediastinum. 5)Provision of an "off-the-shelf", set of stents of graduated sizes which could be easily secured to patients of various ages and sternal thickness. 6)Freedom to use multiple stents in a single patient, giving maximal stability of the thoracic cage. INITIAL CLINICAL EXPERIENCE: We have successfully used these stents in 2 adult and 12 paediatric patients. Demographics: Average age at procedure 35.6 days (Ranged 1-195 days) Procedures: Arterial switch operation 3, total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage repair 2, truncus arteriosus repair 1, truncus arteriosus and partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage repair 1, Norwood procedure 1, Hypoplastic arch repair 1, ventricular septal defect closure with coarctation repair 1, Others 2 Duration: Average Duration of stent placement 4 days (1-12) Successful closure: 10 patients, 2 pt. died while weaning from ECMO Infection: 2(10), Discharge from hospital 10. 30 days follow-up (sternal healing/infection) 2 developed deep sternal wound infection and 1 developed wound dehiscence. All healed with dressing and secondary wound closure. All the 10 surviving patients are doing well at present CONCLUSION: our initial experience showed that these stents provided maximal sub-sternal space to accommodate the edematous mediastinal tissue as well as easy visibility & removability. No immediate mechanical, traumatic or life threating infective complications were observed in the observed cohort.
Profile of rare developmental disabilities in a highly consanguineous Community: Research-based studies in Qatar
المؤلفون: Alice Abdel AleemDevelopmental disabilities (DDs) are a diverse group of physical and mental impairments. Subjects with DDs almost suffer long lasting deficiencies in normal developmental milestones. Etiologies of DDs might look different in communities with high rate of consanguineous marriages, which increase the likelihood of hereditary monogenetic disorders, particularly the autosomal recessive (AR) ones. This study focuses on rare heritable disorders affecting either the normal movements or normal brain growth, in addition to other interesting monogenetic disorders. The study excludes common known causes of DDs as Down or fragile X syndromes or others. This study is aiming both to assess the contribution of rare AR heritable disorders to the burden of DDs in our population. And to better understanding of the clinical profile and molecular basis of DDs, particularly those evolved in consanguineous families. Early identification of the causative mechanism will not only delineate the management strategy and provide family recurrence risk but also it will help to outline primary preventive measures and introduce actions on how people with DDs can improve the quality of their lives. Patients and methods: A total of 62 families [308 individuals] were enrolled in three approved research grants, two NPRPs and a WCMCQ-Research BMRP, addressing: Hereditary Spastic Paraplegias (HSPs) as a group of movement disorders (ascertained in the period between 10/2012-July/2013], Teebi' monogenetic diseases in Qatari [2012-2013], and congenital brain malformation (CBM) [2011-2013] disorders. Patients were referred mostly from Pediatric Neurology, and also from genetic, physiotherapy, and adult Neurology departments of HMC, the largest referral hospital in Qatar. Genomics, bioinformatics and molecular biology studies were carried out at WCMCQ labs. Results: We identified 26 HSPs families [111 individuals], 14 families [75 individuals] with Teebi-monogenetic disorders, and 22 families [122 individuals] with congenital brain malformation. Demographic data: Patients' nationalities were: Qatari [~31%, 100%, &54% in HSP, Teebi' monogenetic, and CBM, respectively], Egyptian [~19% and 9% in HSP and CBM, respectively], Palestinian [~15% for HSPs], Omani [~ 11% &~ 5% in HSPs & CBM], and other nationalities [23% and ~32% in HSP & CBM, respectively]. Consanguineous marriages were in 20 HSP [77%], 14 Teebi' [100%], and 17 CBM [77%] families. Clinically: HSPs patients were subcategorize as AR-complex phenotype [~77% of HSP families], in which presentations of seizures, mental involvements, ataxia, extrapyramidal manifestation, optic atrophy or others were invariably associated, Autosomal dominant [15%] and X-linked [~8%]. Teebi' families were subcategorized as nine families [~64%] with neurologic disorders {hereditary neuropathy "pain insensitivity", vanishing white matter, dystonia, and seizure syndromes} and five independent families, each presents [~7%] with a neuromuscular, an autoimmune, a rare muscle disease, developmental delay with behavioral abnormalities, and mitochondrial disorder. CBM families showed variable forms of cortical and central brain malformation, calcification and migration defects. Genomic data: ten HSPs, twelve Teebi', and nine CBM, families were subjected to Whole Genome Sequence (WGS). Data are currently under bioinformatics and molecular biology studies. Plans are in place to WGS other families. Conclusion: Presented research can be enriched and integrated into the national health management and patients care systems.
Higher-order organization of rhodopsin in native photoreceptors by cryo-electron tomography
المؤلفون: Ashraf Al-AmoudiAshraf Al-Amoudi1,2, Monika Gunkel1, Weaam Alkhaldi1,2, Stephan Irsen1, U. Benjamin Kaupp1 1Center of Advanced European Studies and Research (caesar), Department of Molecular Sensory Systems, Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2, 53175 Bonn, Germany, 2German Center of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2, 53175 Bonn, Germany Vision begins with the absorption of photons by rhodopsin, the visual pigment in photoreceptors. Rhodopsin belongs to the family of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that can form dimers or oligomers. Whether rhodopsin forms oligomers and whether these oligomers are functionally relevant is controversial 1-3. Here, we study rhodopsin organization by cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) of vitreous sections and sub-tomogram averaging of intact dark-adapted photoreceptors. This technique ascertains that rhodopsin is preserved in a close-to-native state. In combination with cryo-ET of vitreous sections, sub-tomogram averaging considerably enhances the signal-to-noise ratio thus allowing for in situ quantitative analysis at the molecular level. Briefly: retina is fixed by high-pressure freezing, ultra-thin sectioned and visualized by cryo-electron tomography and sub-tomogram averaging. In the reconstructed and processed tomograms the organization of rhodopsin molecules becomes visible. Our results show highly-organized structures of rhodopsin. We identify three levels of hierarchical supramolecular organization. Rhodopsin forms dimers; the dimers form rows; and rows come in special pairs like 'rail tracks'. Rows are aligned parallel to the disk incisure. We propose that rhodopsin tracks provide a template that organizes the spatio-temporal interaction of preassembled signalling components on the disk surface. We envisage that some rhodopsin-like type A GPCRs, which are highly homologous, also entertain a supramolecular organization. Aligned rows of immobile rhodopsin renders photoreceptors highly dichroic and might provide the structural basis for detection of polarized light. References 1 Chabre, M., Cone, R. & Saibil, H. R. Biophysics - is rhodopsin dimeric in native rods? Nature 426, 30-31 (2003). 2 Chabre, M. & le Maire, M. Monomeric G-protein-coupled receptor as a functional unit. Biochemistry 44, 9395-9403 (2005). 3 Fotiadis, D. et al. Atomic-force microscopy: rhodopsin dimers in native disc membranes. Nature 421, 127-128 (2003).
A novel mutation in the MASP1 gene causes autosomal recessive multiple congenital anomaly syndrome
المؤلفون: Hala BoulosThree patients from two related and consanguineous sibships of Pakistani ethnic origin are affected by a recognizable pattern of multiple congenital anomalies. The clinical picture includes increased inner canthal distance, hypoplastic upper lid with ptosis, blepharophemosis, maxillary hypoplasia, facial asymmetry, cleft lip/palate, high arched palate, irregular dentition, low set ears and low posterior hairline, mild scoliosis and decreased carrying angle of elbow. The apparent clinical characteristics overlap, but do not identify solely, with the individual Malpuech, Michels, Mingarelli or Carnevale syndromes, or what has been collectively referred to as the 3MC syndrome; hence, the referral to the phenotype as Multiple Congenital Anomaly syndrome. The family was studied by homozygosity mapping, and Whole Exome Sequencing of a single affected individual performed on ABI SOLiD4. A novel homozygous mutation [c.G542A] affecting the evolutionary conserved residue p.C181Y was identified at 3q27 in the MASP1 encoding a mannose-associated serine protease 1. The variant was confirmed by Sanger sequencing, segregates with the phenotype in the family and is predicted to be damaging by PolyPhen and SIFT. MASP1 functions as a component of the lectin pathway of complement activation. Mutations in the MASP1 gene and another gene (COLEC11) involved in the same pathway have been associated with human craniofacial malformation indicating an impending role for complement pathway elements in vital developmental processes during embryogenesis. The identified autosomal recessive variant extends further support to this hypothesis.
Genomic analysis of inherited breast cancer among Palestinian women
المؤلفون: Moien KanaanIn the Middle East, breast cancer incidence among Palestinian women has historically been low, but with increased education and later initiation of child bearing among Palestinian young women, is now rapidly increasing. Furthermore, perhaps because of its historically low incidence, breast cancer among Palestinian women is strikingly familial. We explored the genetic bases of this familial risk in the context of providing culturally appropriate genetic counseling services to high-risk women. Participants were 274 Palestinian with breast cancer, most either with a positive family history of breast or ovarian cancer (116 subjects) or diagnosed at age 40 or younger (130 subjects). Genomic DNA was tested by BROCA, which enables the capture and simultaneous multiplex sequencing of all coding, regulatory, and intronic regions of 30 known breast and ovarian cancer genes. Considering only unambiguously damaging mutations (i.e. truncations, complete deletions, splice mutations leading to a mutant message, and missenses proven experimentally to be damaging), 29 of the 274 subjects (11%) carried a mutation responsible for their breast cancer. These included 22 of the 116 familial subjects (19%), 8 of the 130 young-onset-nonfamilial subjects (6%), and 0 of the 29 subjects not meeting either criterion. The damaging mutations included 7 in BRCA1, 10 in BRCA2, 2 in ATM, 2 in BARD1, and 1 each in TP53, CHEK2, CDH1, PALB2, ATR, BRIP1, and XRCC2. With two exceptions (BRCA2 p.E2229X and BRCA2 c.6462delTC), all mutations were different. Also, two subjects had two mutations each: in CHEK2 and BARD1; and in CHEK2 and ATM. Multiple variants potentially altering splicing and missenses potentially damaging to function are still in process of evaluation and remain good candidates. Based on the historical demography of the region, we anticipated that the spectrum of mutations predisposing to breast cancer in the Palestinian population would be broad, with multiple individually rare, highly localized mutations, rather than a small number of founder alleles; that is, a European pattern rather than an Ashkenazi Jewish pattern. This proved to be true. Breast cancer among Palestinian women is generally diagnosed at late stages, and consequently has poor prognosis. If Palestinian women at genetically high risk were provided the opportunity to undertake special scrutiny, staging and mortality could be substantially improved.
Role of lipoxygenase pathway in diabetic retinopathy
المؤلفون: Mohamed Al-ShabraweyBackground: Features of diabetic retinopathy (DR) include leukocyte adhesion, hyperpermeability and retinal neovascularization (RNV). Our previous studies demonstrated that reactive oxygen species (ROS) derived from the NADPH oxidase activity play crucial role in the pathogenesis of retinal vascular injury during DR. Recently we also demonstrated that upregulation of 12/15 lipoxygenase (12/15-LOX) and its lipid metabolites, 12- and 15-HETEs during DR contributes to RNV via disrupting the delicate balance in the levels of vascular endothelial growth factor and pigment epithelium derived factor (VEGF/PEDF). The goal of our study is to investigate whether 12/15-LOX also contributes to retinal inflammation during DR via activation of NADPH oxidase, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response, and VEGF-receptor2 (KDR). Methods: We used cultured human retinal endothelial cells (HRECs) to test the effect of 12/15-LOX derived lipid metabolites on barrier function, leukostasis and tube formation. The amount of HETEs product of 12/15-LOX in the vitreous of patients with or without DR was measured by LC/MS. HETEs were also tested in the retinas of diabetic mice and in mice with oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR). The direct effect of 12- and 15-HETE on HREC barrier was examined in the presence or absence of NADPH oxidase inhibitors diphenylene iodonium (DPI) and apocynin using FITC-dextran flux assay and electrical cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS). The impact of HETEs on leukocyte/endothelial cell interaction and tube formation was also tested. Production of reactive oxygen species in response to HETEs treatment was measured by dihydroethedium (DHE) and dichlorofluorescein (DCF) reactions. Western blotting (WB) was used to evaluate the changes in the protein levels of the catalytic subunit of the NADPH oxidase (NOX2), ER stress proteins, phospho-VEGF-R2 and the protein tyrosine phosphatase (SHP1). In vivo studies were performed using a mouse model of type 1 diabetes, the akita mice (Ins2Akita) treated with or without the 12/15-LOX inhibitor baicalein (75 mg/kg in drinking water) for ~10 weeks. This was followed by analysis of ROS, HETEs, leukostasis and inflammatory mediators. Multiplex Immunoassay was used to measure the levels of inflammatory mediators such as the adhesion molecules (ICAM-1 and VCAM-1) and IL-6. Results: Our experiments showed significant increase in the REC permeability and reduction in the transcellular electrical resistance (TER) by 12- and 15- HETEs compared to the control suggesting pro-permeability role of 12/15-LOX. Leukocyte adhesion and tube formation were also increased by 12- and 15-HETEs. This was associated with significant increases in ROS generation, levels of NOX2, ER stress response proteins and p-VEGF-R2.There was also a significant decrease in the levels of p-SHP1. These effects of HETEs were prevented by NADPH oxidase or VEGF-R2 inhibitors. In vivo studies demonstrated significant abrogation of the retinal HETEs, adhesion molecules (ICAM-1 and VCAM-1), IL6, ROS generation and NOX2 expression in diabetic mice treated with baicalein. Furthermore, the number of adherent leukocytes was reduced in 12/15-LOX-deficient and baicalein-treated mice. Conclusion: 12/15-LOX contributes to DR via NADPH oxidase-dependent mechanism which involves activation of ER stress response and VEGF-R2. Thus, 12/15-LOX is a potential therapeutic target to prevent the development of vascular dysfunction during DR.
Barriers to decision making in cancer multidisciplinary teams: Analysis of cancer decision-making in two surgical specialities
المؤلفون: Rozh JalilIntroduction: Multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) in cancer care have been instituted for almost 20 years. The rationale for MDT-driven care is that bringing together cancer specialists from a range of disciplines allows holistic and unbiased review of treatment options and optimisation of treatment pathways for patients. Multidisciplinary teams are becoming the standard practice in managing cancer patients in the world. The Multidisciplinary team (MDT) is defined as a "group of people of different healthcare disciplines, which meets together at a given time (whether physically in one place, or by video or teleconferencing) to discuss a given patient and who are each able to contribute independently to the diagnostic and treatment decisions about the patient". These teams meet regularly, review investigation results and discuss best available, evidence based treatment options for cancer patients. In the UK, there is a quality assurance program for the function and structure of the MDTs; however there no agreed way to assess the process and the ability of decision making of such teams. This study investigated the factors hampering decision-making in cancer MDT meetings. Methods: All available MDT decision outcomes of cancer patients discussed between February to December 2012 of both Urology and Colorectal surgery were reviewed. MDT decisions and reasons for cases with no decision reached were analysed. Results: MDT discussion outcome of 2035 cancer cases were reviewed (19 Urology MDT meetings, n=1126, 50 Colorectal MDT meetings, n=909). 9.5 %( n=107) of Urology and 6.4 %( n=58) of colorectal cases had no decision reached. Main reasons were: unavailability of histopathological results (47.7%(n=51) of urology and 24.1%(n=14) of Colorectal cases); unavailability of radiological investigation results (43.9%(n=47) of Urology and 43.1%(n=25) of Colorectal cases); unavailability of an Oncologist in the meeting(3.7%(n=4) of Urology and 5.2%(n=3) of Colorectal cases). Discussion: This study uncovers the main barriers that MDTs face in decision-making. Assessing the efficacy of a MDT could be made by its capability to formulate a decision plan for all the cases discussed. Tackling these barriers would result in a more cost-effective process, enhance decision-making and thus enhance cancer care.
Feasibility study on MRI segmentation of knee structures for computer-assisted surgery
المؤلفون: Nikhil NavkarBACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Knee surgeries for total knee replacement or Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) repair involve the use of intraoperative computer-assisted navigation techniques for guiding surgical tools during the procedure. In clinical practice, a digital map of the knee is created for navigation from images acquired preoperatively. High hard-tissue contrast makes CT the preferred imaging modality. However certain knee surgeries, such as ACL repair, require segmentation of soft-tissue structures for navigation. As opposed to CT, MRI has soft-tissue contrast. Considering this advantage, we investigate the applicability of MRI for segmenting both hard-tissue as well as soft-tissue structures in ACL repair surgery. METHODS: MR images (3D-DESS protocol; Pixel Size = 0.46x0.46mm²; FoV = 150x150mm²; slice thickness = 3mm; inter-slice distance = 3mm) of the knee at four flexion positions (30°, 45°, 90°, Full-Extension) were collected using Siemens Espree scanner on eight healthy volunteers. Two experts manually delineated the MR images using OsiriX software. The delineated boundaries of the hard-tissues (Tibia, Femur, and Patella) and soft-tissue (ACL) were used to create respective binary masks which were then combined into a single mask for each tissue type using STAPLE algorithm. The output was fed to Marching-Cube algorithm followed by Laplacian smoothing filter to generate triangular meshes of the knee structures. These 3D meshes can be used as a digital map to ease the navigation (Figure 1). RESULTS: The binary mask overlap between experts (Table 1) is used to measure the reproducibility of the segmentation and hence the confidence in generating 3D models for navigation. The high overlap for hard-tissues shows that MRI is relevant to segment them. The lower overlap for soft-tissues shows a perfectible segmentation, but still sufficient to show that their segmentation is achievable using MRI. CONCLUSIONS: This work is a first step towards using preoperative MRI segmentations for surgical navigation in knee surgeries showing it can provide not only hard- but also soft-tissue information as compared to CT.
Designing coding and modulation schemes for body-area networks
المؤلفون: Ezio BiglieriA major role in the realm of health care is played by wireless monitoring systems. Body-area networks (BANs), which use the human body to support communication using low-power wireless sensor network technology, of late have been attracting a considerable interest. Now, the design of a transmission system for reliable communication through a BAN is a challenging problem. First, communication takes place on different types of links, depending on the body parts to which transmit and receive antennas are attached, e.g., trunk-to-trunk, trunk-to-head, trunk-to-hand, on where the hardware is located (body-to-body, offbody, on-body, and in-body links), and on antenna type and orientation, body size, location, and posture. In addition, propagation in on-body links may combine surface wave, creeping wave, diffracted waves, scattered waves, and free space propagation, depending on the antenna positions and the body postures. The use of multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) systems in BANs has also been advocated, and MIMO BAN channel models discussed. Even if adaptive techniques are used to adjust modulation and coding to the changing environment, reliable mathematical models for the transmission channel are called for, but they are difficult to obtain because of the variations of the environment in which the transmission is taking place. We argue that the design of modulation and coding schemes in BANs should be based on their robustness to uncertainties of channel model. To avoid catastrophic performance degradations due to model uncertainties, system performance must be examined by evaluating the effects of a discrepancy between the nominal distribution of channel statistics and the actual distribution. Based on this concept, the robustness of system design to channel modeling can be assessed. In this paper, we examine mathematical tools allowing designers to assess a BAN system performance under modeling uncertainty: moment-bound techniques and optimization techniques are applied to obtain performance bounds with and without error-control coding. Based on these bounds, we propose robust coding/modulation techniques making that performance less sensitive to modeling errors. Finally, we examine the design of an architecture to operate BANs in a cloud environment. Our architecture facilitates smooth convergence and operation of BANs in cloud computing, and helps the users to rely upon an efficient, reliable, and fault-tolerant cloud infrastructure for communication.
Ethnitest: A basic genetic tool in the assessment of ethnic origin for medical research and commercial utilization
المؤلفون: Ali SalihThe application of DNA-based methods for inferring ethnicity to investigate criminal cases has been well documented in recent literature. Based on self claimed ethnicity, numerous human diseases and the efficacy of therapeutic drugs have been linked to ethnic backgrounds. These racially-related diseases and drug responders included, but not limited to, cardiovascular disorders, sickle cell anemia, breast cancer, prostate cancer and responders to the therapeutic agent BiDil (hydralazine hydrochloride and isosorbide dinitrate) for treating congestive heart failures. Surprisingly, for all these cases no DNA based ethnicity method was used to verify the observed link between the ethnic origin and the risk for the specific medical ailment. The most probable cause is lack of a test that has the capacity to separate between the disease-causing genes and the markers for assessing ethnicity in genomic DNA. To this end, a logarithmic method was developed and validated utilizing the disease free STR genetic markers, which have demonstrated their suitability to separate between the two entities. The developed software system is currently used by our laboratory under the commercial name "Ethnitest" for inferring ethnic composition in racially admixture- individuals. The assay demonstrated low error rates and can accommodate more than ten population groups with distinct and proportional likelihood probabilities. Among self-claimed African American, Caucasian, Asian and Hispanic American populations, the assay demonstrated that 20%, 35%, 55% and 95% of these cases, respectively, are consistently admixtures. Upon further investigations, self-claimed Hispanic populations from three different geographical regions (North, Central and South America) showed that they are invariably all admixtures. As expected, the major constituents of these admixtures were found to be Native Americans and Europeans. In contrast, self-claimed Africans showed minimal admixtures among West African populations. However, East African populations showed different admixtures with African, Asian and Middle Eastern as the dominant ethnicities. As expected, the composition of the North Africans revealed that it was mostly dominated by European and Middle Eastern. Among staged prostate cancer DNA samples from self-claimed African American, the Ethnitest showed only 50% to perhaps have an origin in the African American population. The impact of these assessments on disease disparity and personalized medicine will be discussed. Furthermore, the limitations in the application of SNP and gender based ethnicity assays on disease disparity will also be discussed.
Pronunciation verification method for childhood apraxia of speech assessment tool
المؤلفون: Mostafa ShahinBackground and Objectives Language production and speech articulation can be delayed in children due to developmental disabilities and neuromotor disorders such as childhood apraxia of speech (CAS). One of the behaviors that are commonly associated with the CAS is the articulation errors where the child mispronounced some of the produced phonemes. The presented Pronunciation Verification (PV) method automatically evaluates the child speech and detects any insertion, deletion or substitution errors made by the child on the phoneme level. Method The proposed PV method based on a search lattice with different competing paths to allow the system to detect insertions, deletions and substitutions of phonemes. Fig. 1 shows a block diagram of the lattice based PV component. The prompted word is first phonetically transcribed to obtain the expected phoneme sequence. The lattice generator then uses the phoneme sequence to generate a search lattice fed to the speech recognizer. The generated lattice is flexible enough to cover all the possible pronunciation errors (insertion, deletion and substitution) by adding alternative paths to the correct path for each of the expected errors. The deletion path can be represented as a null arc to allow the recognizer to skip the phoneme node during decoding while the garbage node is used as an alternative to collect phoneme other than the expected one (substitution error). A garbage loop is also added between two consecutive phonemes to collect inserted phonemes frames. Fig. 2 (a) shows an example of the lattice for the word "chair" where PG and PD are the penalties attached to the garbage and deletion arcs respectively, these penalties are added to avoid the recognizer skipping phonemes or aligning speech to the garbage node unless the fit is better than the correct path. The garbage node is composed of all the phonemes connected in parallel as shown in Fig. 2 (b). The Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) are extracted from the speech signal with delta and acceleration to produce a 39 dimension feature vector per frame. The extracted features are then fed to the speech recognizer along with the created lattice and the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) acoustic models to generate a sequence of phonemes from the child's utterance. The Context Dependent (CD) HMM model consists of multi-mixture tied-state tri-phones while the garbage model consists of single mixture mono-phones to reduce the complexity and speed up the recognition process. The output phoneme sequence is then compared to the expected phoneme sequence, if matched the utterance is marked as correct otherwise incorrect. Results The system overall accuracy is 88.2% where the Correct Acceptance (CA) is 91.5% and the Correct Rejection (CR) is 83.4%. Conclusion A PV method that uses a search lattice with different alternative paths and a garbage model was used to detect the articulation errors made by the child with overall accuracy around 88%.
Estimating the prevalence of injecting drug use in the Middle East and North Africa
المؤلفون: Ghina MumtazBackground and objective The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is home to the world's largest producer of opioids, as well as to major drug trade routes. Over 80% of the global supply of heroin is produced in Afghanistan, and over 75% of this is trafficked through Iran and Pakistan. The increased availability and purity of inexpensive heroin in MENA appears to have led to a subsequent rise in injecting drug use. The objective of this sub-study was to estimate the proportion and number of people who inject drugs (PWID) in MENA, as part of a larger study of HIV epidemiology among PWID in this region. Methods This was a systematic review of literature following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Sources of data included PubMed, Embase, regional databases, conference abstracts, as well as a large body of country-level reports. A generic "drug use" search of these databases was performed. Data on PWID population size estimates in the 23 MENA countries were extracted from relevant studies. Estimates were weighted by adult population size. When more than one such estimate was available per country, we used their mean. Adult population size was extracted from the United Nations World Population Database. Results After screening 4,985 citations, we extracted 121 and 105 measures on the number and proportion of PWID, respectively. We estimated that there are 0.6-1 million PWID in MENA. Pakistan, Iran, and Egypt have the largest number, with an average of about 210,000, 180,000 and 89,000 PWID, respectively. The weighted mean prevalence of injecting drug use was estimated at 0.23 per 100 adults (range 0.03-0.50%), and was highest in Iran (0.43%). Studies of sub-national populations showed geographical heterogeneity in the proportion of PWID. Data on the prevalence of female PWID were scarce. Overall, the mean proportion of females among PWID in included studies was 3.6% (range: 0-35%). Conclusion The mean prevalence of injecting drug use in MENA (23 in every 1000 adults) is comparable with global figures which range from 0.06% in South Asia to 1.50% in Eastern Europe. The prevalence of injecting drug use varied between MENA countries, being higher in the eastern part of the region; and appeared to be heavily concentrated among men. With recent evidence suggesting emerging HIV epidemics among PWID in several MENA countries, these findings take on additional importance. There is an urgent need to scale up harm reduction services for the nearly one million individuals who form this vulnerable population group in MENA.